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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A critique of corporate social responsibility in light of classical economics Ahluwalia, Saurabh

12 1-2 p. 25-29
2 An exploration of how boards of directors impact chief marketing officer performance: Insights from the field Whitler, Kimberly A.

12 1-2 p. 105-115
3 A renewable resource model of health decision-making: insights to improve health marketing Lord Ferguson, Sarah

12 1-2 p. 71-84
4 Cocreating transformative value propositions with customers experiencing vulnerability during humanitarian crises Gallan, Andrew S.

12 1-2 p. 85-101
5 Community based brand equity as brand culture: advancing brand equity conceptualization for a connected world Purani, Keyoor

12 1-2 p. 52-70
6 Marketing as problem solver: in defense of social responsibility Martin, Kelly D.

12 1-2 p. 44-51
7 Marketing’s new myopia: Expanding the social responsibilities of marketing managers Cronin, J. Joseph

12 1-2 p. 30-37
8 Perspectives on socially responsible marketing: the chasm widens Ferrell, O. C.

12 1-2 p. 1-6
9 The impact of boards of directors on chief marketing officer performance: Framing and research agenda Whitler, Kimberly A.

12 1-2 p. 116-136
10 Toward social responsibility, not the social responsibility semblance: marketing does not need a conscience Gaski, John F.

12 1-2 p. 7-24
11 Update the Theory + Practice section Jaworski, Bernard

12 1-2 p. 102-104
12 Why should marketers be forced to ignore their moral awareness? A reply to Gaski Demuijnck, Geert

12 1-2 p. 38-43
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland