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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Design of experiments for the automated development of a multicellular cardiac model for high-throughput screening Raniga, Kavita

28 8 p. 410-417
2 Development of assays to support identification and characterization of modulators of DExH-box helicase DHX9 Gotur, Deepali

28 8 p. 376-384
3 Discovery of DTX3L inhibitors through a homogeneous FRET-based assay that monitors formation and removal of poly-ubiquitin chains Vela-Rodríguez, Carlos

28 8 p. 365-375
4 Graph neural networks for the identification of novel inhibitors of a small RNA Haga, Christopher L.

28 8 p. 402-409
5 HTS discovery of PARP1-HPF1 complex inhibitors in cancer Kellett, Timothy

28 8 p. 394-401
6 Identification of tau-tubulin kinase 1 inhibitors by microfluidics-based mobility shift assay from a kinase inhibitor library Wang, Jinlei

28 8 p. 385-393
7 Nanobodies: A Game-Changer in Cell-Mediated Immunotherapy for Cancer Mustafa, Mujahed I.

28 8 p. 358-364
8 Role Of Vaccines Against COVID-19 Pandemic Mahdi, Professor Dr. Batool Mutar

28 8 p. 355-357
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland