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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Ammonium bis(salicylaldehyde thiosemicarbazonato)ferrate(III), a supramolecular material containing low-spin FeIII Powell, Robyn E.

76 6 p. 625-631
2 A new monoclinic structure type for ternary gallide MgCoGa2 Pavlyuk, Nazar

76 6 p. 541-546
3 Bulk polarity of 3,5,7-trinitro-1-azaadamantane mediated by asymmetric NO2(lone pair)...NO2(π-hole) supramolecular bonding Domasevitch, Kostiantyn V.

76 6 p. 598-604
4 Can we trust the experiment? Anisotropic displacement parameters in 1-(halomethyl)-3-nitrobenzene (halogen = Cl or Br) Mroz, Damian

76 6 p. 591-597
5 Chimeric supramolecular synthons in Ph2Te2(I2)Se Torubaev, Yury V.

76 6 p. 579-584
6 Crystal structure and photoreactivity of a halogen-bonded cocrystal based upon 1,2-diiodoperchlorobenzene and 1,2-bis(pyridin-4-yl)ethylene Bosch, Eric

76 6 p. 557-561
7 Electronic stabilization by occupational disorder in the ternary bismuthide Li3–x–yInxBi (x ≃ 0.14, y ≃ 0.29) Ovchinnikov, Alexander

76 6 p. 585-590
8 Halobismuth(III) salts with substituted aminopyridinium cations Senior, Levi

76 6 p. 562-571
9 LaTe1.82(1): modulated crystal structure and chemical bonding of a chalcogen-deficient rare earth metal polytelluride Poddig, Hagen

76 6 p. 530-540
10 Self-assembly of a cobalt(II)-based metal–organic framework as an effective water-splitting heterogeneous catalyst for light-driven hydrogen production Dou, Yong

76 6 p. 616-624
11 Syntheses and structures of two novel fluorescent metal–organic frameworks generated from a tridentate donor–acceptor motif ligand Zhao, Yong-Jin

76 6 p. 605-615
12 Synthesis, structural elucidation, characterization and theoretical DFT study of 1-(o-tolyl)biguanidium chloride Kaabi, Kamel

76 6 p. 572-578
13 Two ZnII-based MOFs constructed with biphenyl-2,2′,5,5′-tetracarboxylic acid and flexible N-donor ligands: syntheses, structures and properties Su, Feng

76 6 p. 547-556
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland