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                             32 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A spindle cell carcinoma presenting with osseous metaplasia in the gingiva: a case report with immunohistochemical analysis Katase, Naoki
4 1 artikel
2 Associations of reported bruxism with insomnia and insufficient sleep symptoms among media personnel with or without irregular shift work Ahlberg, Kristiina
4 1 artikel
3 Ateriovenous subclavia-shunt for head and neck reconstruction Depprich, Rita A
4 1 artikel
4 Behavior of osteoblastic cells cultured on titanium and structured zirconia surfaces Depprich, Rita
4 1 artikel
5 Cutaneous lesions of the external ear Sand, Michael
4 1 artikel
6 Distant metastases of a squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue in peripheral skeletal muscles and adjacent soft tissues Smeets, Ralf
4 1 artikel
7 Ectopic internal carotid artery presenting as an oropharyngeal mass Prokopakis, Emmanuel P
4 1 artikel
8 Editor's note: new facial nerve section and new editorial board member Stamm, Thomas
4 1 artikel
9 Epiglottis reshaping using CO2 laser: A minimally invasive technique and its potent applications Bourolias, Constantinos
4 1 artikel
10 Ewing sarcoma of the mandible mimicking an odontogenic abscess – a case report Gosau, Martin
4 1 artikel
11 Fibrosarcoma of the childhood mandible Gosau, Martin
4 1 artikel
12 Induction of osteogenic markers in differentially treated cultures of embryonic stem cells Handschel, Jörg
4 1 artikel
13 Infraorbital cutaneous angiosarcoma: a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma Ettl, Tobias
4 1 artikel
14 In vitro behaviour of endothelial cells on a titanium surface Breithaupt-Faloppa, Ana Cristina
4 1 artikel
15 In vitro evaluation of various bioabsorbable and nonresorbable barrier membranes for guided tissue regeneration Kasaj, Adrian
4 1 artikel
16 Lennox gastaut syndrome, review of the literature and a case report Abu Saleh, Tareq
4 1 artikel
17 Lingual infarction in Wegener's Granulomatosis: A case report and review of the literature Carter, Lachlan M
4 1 artikel
18 Maxillary reconstruction to enable implant insertion: a retrospective study of 181 patients Ferri, Joël
4 1 artikel
19 Myofascial trigger points in cluster headache patients: a case series Calandre, Elena P
4 1 artikel
20 Oral acantholytic squamous cell carcinoma shares clinical and histological features with angiosarcoma Driemel, Oliver
4 1 artikel
21 Osseointegration of zirconia implants: an SEM observation of the bone-implant interface Depprich, Rita
4 1 artikel
22 Osseointegration of zirconia implants compared with titanium: an in vivo study Depprich, Rita
4 1 artikel
23 Penetrating facial injury from angle grinder use: management and prevention Carter, Lachlan M
4 1 artikel
24 Perioperative and long-term operative outcomes after surgery for trigeminal neuralgia: microvascular decompression vs percutaneous balloon ablation Jellish, W Scott
4 1 artikel
25 Principles of cartilage tissue engineering in TMJ reconstruction Naujoks, Christian
4 1 artikel
26 Some historical remarks on the conservative treatment of facial paralysis – comment on 'Temporary ectropion therapy by adhesive taping: a case study' van de Graaf, Robert C
4 1 artikel
27 Temporary ectropion therapy by adhesive taping: a case study Schrom, Thomas
4 1 artikel
28 The buccal minor salivary glands as starting point for a metastasizing adenocarcinoma – report of a case Ettl, Tobias
4 1 artikel
29 The extent of the psychological impairment of prosthodontic outpatients at a German University Hospital Ommerborn, Michelle A
4 1 artikel
30 The role of apoptosis in early embryonic development of the adenohypophysis in rats Weingärtner, Jens
4 1 artikel
31 The use of botulinum toxin in head and face medicine: An interdisciplinary field Laskawi, Rainer
4 1 artikel
32 TMJ metastasis: A unusual case report Boniello, Roberto
4 1 artikel
                             32 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland