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                             41 results found
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1 Alterated integrin expression in lichen planopilaris d'Ovidio, Roberto
3 1 article
2 A new technique for mandibular osteotomy Puricelli, Edela
3 1 article
3 Apicotomy: a root apical fracture for surgical treatment of impacted upper canines Puricelli, Edela
3 1 article
4 A pigmented calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor associated with compound odontoma: a case report and review of literature Han, Phuu P
3 1 article
5 Applied mechanics of the Puricelli osteotomy: a linear elastic analysis with the finite element method Puricelli, Edela
3 1 article
6 A retrospective analysis of submissions, acceptance rate, open peer review operations, and prepublication bias of the multidisciplinary open access journal Head & Face Medicine Stamm, Thomas
3 1 article
7 Chlamydial conjunctivitis presenting as pre septal cellulitis Drummond, Suzannah R
3 1 article
8 Clinical and morphological characteristics of head-facial haemangiomas Iannetti, Giorgio
3 1 article
9 Combination of surgical excision and custom designed silicon pressure splint therapy for keloids on the helical rim Sand, Michael
3 1 article
10 Current algorithm for the surgical treatment of facial pain Slavin, Konstantin V
3 1 article
11 Dentin dysplasia type I: a challenge for treatment with dental implants Depprich, Rita A
3 1 article
12 Distraction osteogenesis in a severe mandibular deficiency Ortakoglu, Kerim
3 1 article
13 Do gender and torus mandibularis affect mandibular cortical index? A cross-sectional study Uysal, Serdar
3 1 article
14 Early postoperative bone scintigraphy in the evaluation of microvascular bone grafts in head and neck reconstruction Schuepbach, Jonas
3 1 article
15 Exclusion of known gene for enamel development in two Brazilian families with amelogenesis imperfecta Santos, Maria CLG
3 1 article
16 Feasibility of preoperative planning using anatomical facsimile models for mandibular reconstruction Toro, Corrado
3 1 article
17 Improvement of chronic facial pain and facial dyskinesia with the help of botulinum toxin application Junghans, Katharina
3 1 article
18 Lack of association between celiac disease and dental enamel hypoplasia in a case-control study from an Italian central region Procaccini, Maurizio
3 1 article
19 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the face: report of a case Seper, László
3 1 article
20 Maximum occlusal force and medial mandibular flexure in relation to vertical facial pattern: a cross-sectional study Shinkai, Rosemary S
3 1 article
21 Mechanical homeostasis regulating adipose tissue volume Svedman, Paul
3 1 article
22 Metallic foreign body in middle ear: an unusual cause of hearing loss Eleftheriadou, Anna
3 1 article
23 Micro-morphologic changes around biophysically-stimulated titanium implants in ovariectomized rats Akca, Kivanc
3 1 article
24 Neither MRI, CT nor US is superior to diagnose tumors in the salivary glands – an extended case study Rudack, Claudia
3 1 article
25 Obesity and craniofacial variables in subjects with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: comparisons of cephalometric values Cuccia, Antonino M
3 1 article
26 Occlusion, TMDs, and dental education Ash, Major M
3 1 article
27 Perioperative complications in infant cleft repair Fillies, Thomas
3 1 article
28 Pneumatized superior turbinate as a cause of headache Homsioglou, Elias
3 1 article
29 Prospects of micromass culture technology in tissue engineering Handschel, Jörg GK
3 1 article
30 Recent technological developments: in situ histopathological interrogation of surgical tissues and resection margins Upile, Tahwinder
3 1 article
31 Scar-like lesion on dorsal nose (cellular neurothekeoma) López-Cepeda, Larissa Dorina
3 1 article
32 Schwannoma of the external auditory canal: a case report Topal, Ozgul
3 1 article
33 Short-term effects of amelogenin gene splice products A+4 and A-4 implanted in the exposed rat molar pulp Jegat, Nadège
3 1 article
34 Sinus lifting before Le Fort I maxillary osteotomy: a suitable method for oral rehabilitation of edentulous patients with skelettal class-III conditions: review of the literature and report of a case Depprich, Rita A
3 1 article
35 Standardization of surface electromyography utilized to evaluate patients with dysphagia Vaiman, Michael
3 1 article
36 The hierarchy of stability and predictability in orthognathic surgery with rigid fixation: an update and extension Proffit, William R
3 1 article
37 Thermography and thermoregulation of the face Rustemeyer, Jan
3 1 article
38 The scientific impact of the Sir Charles Bell Society in head and face medicine Laskawi, Rainer
3 1 article
39 The spectrum of Apert syndrome: phenotype, particularities in orthodontic treatment, and characteristics of orthognathic surgery Hohoff, Ariane
3 1 article
40 Trick or treat? Cehreli, Murat
3 1 article
41 Unilateral congenital elongation of the cervical part of the internal carotid artery with kinking and looping: two case reports and review of the literature Ovchinnikov, Nikolai A
3 1 article
                             41 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands