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                             69 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Allergic conditions and risk of hematological malignancies in adults: a cohort study Söderberg, Karin C
4 1 artikel
2 Analysis of inadequate cervical smears using Shewhart control charts Harrison, Wayne N
4 1 artikel
3 An assessment of factors contributing to treatment adherence and knowledge of TB transmission among patients on TB treatment Kaona, Frederick AD
4 1 artikel
4 An outbreak of Salmonella Enteritidis phage type 34a infection associated with a Chinese restaurant in Suffolk, United Kingdom Badrinath, Padmanabhan
4 1 artikel
5 Assessing computer skills in Tanzanian medical students: an elective experience Samuel, Miriam
4 1 artikel
6 Association between mortality from suicide in England and antidepressant prescribing: an ecological study Morgan, Oliver WC
4 1 artikel
7 A survey of compliance: Medicaid's mandated blood lead screenings for children age 12–18 months in Nebraska Wilken, Marlene
4 1 artikel
8 A systematic review of the effectiveness of antimicrobial rinse-free hand sanitizers for prevention of illness-related absenteeism in elementary school children Meadows, Emily
4 1 artikel
9 Attrition and bias in the MRC cognitive function and ageing study: an epidemiological investigation Matthews, Fiona E
4 1 artikel
10 Barriers to asymptomatic screening and other STD services for adolescents and young adults: focus group discussions Tilson, Elizabeth C
4 1 artikel
11 Colorectal cancer screening among African American church members: A qualitative and quantitative study of patient-provider communication Katz, Mira L
4 1 artikel
12 Crowding: risk factor or protective factor for lower respiratory disease in young children? Cardoso, Maria Regina Alves
4 1 artikel
13 Deprived children or deprived neighbourhoods? A public health approach to the investigation of links between deprivation and injury risk with specific reference to child road safety in Devon County, UK Hewson, Paul
4 1 artikel
14 Does a perception of increased blood safety mean increased blood transfusion? An assessment of the risk compensation theory in Canada Amin, Mo
4 1 artikel
15 Educational and economic determinants of food intake in Portuguese adults: a cross-sectional survey Moreira, Pedro A
4 1 artikel
16 Estimating the beginning of the waterpipe epidemic in Syria Rastam, Samer
4 1 artikel
17 Evaluation of reporting timeliness of public health surveillance systems for infectious diseases Jajosky, Ruth Ann
4 1 artikel
18 Exploratory spatial data analysis for the identification of risk factors to birth defects Wu, Jilei
4 1 artikel
19 Fear of nuclear war increases the risk of common mental disorders among young adults: a five-year follow-up study Poikolainen, Kari
4 1 artikel
20 Feasibility of identifying families for genetic studies of birth defects using the National Health Interview Survey Wyszynski, Diego F
4 1 artikel
21 Females do not have more injury road accidents on Friday the 13th Radun, Igor
4 1 artikel
22 Field assessments in western Kenya link malaria vectors to environmentally disturbed habitats during the dry season Carlson, John C
4 1 artikel
23 Geographic correlation between deprivation and risk of meningococcal disease: an ecological study Williams, Christopher J
4 1 artikel
24 Global patterns of healthy life expectancy in the year 2002 Mathers, Colin D
4 1 artikel
25 Health and health care utilisation among asylum seekers and refugees in the Netherlands: design of a study Gerritsen, Annette AM
4 1 artikel
26 Health promotion through self-care and community participation: Elements of a proposed programme in the developing countries Bhuyan, Khanindra Kumar
4 1 artikel
27 Hepatitis B virus infection in Haemodialysis Centres from Santa Catarina State, Southern Brazil. Predictive risk factors for infection and molecular epidemiology Carrilho, Flair J
4 1 artikel
28 Induced abortion and effecting factors of ever married women in the Southeast Anatolian Project Region, Turkey: a cross sectional study Bozkurt, Ali Ihsan
4 1 artikel
29 Interaction among general practitioners age and patient load in the prediction of job strain, decision latitude and perception of job demands. A Cross-sectional study Vanagas, Giedrius
4 1 artikel
30 Intestinal parasites prevalence and related factors in school children, a western city sample-Turkey Okyay, Pinar
4 1 artikel
31 Knowledge and attitude towards HIV/AIDS among Iranian students Tavoosi, Anahita
4 1 artikel
32 Knowledge of AIDS and HIV risk-related sexual behavior among Nigerian naval personnel Nwokoji, Ugboga Adaji
4 1 artikel
33 Length of sick leave – Why not ask the sick-listed? Sick-listed individuals predict their length of sick leave more accurately than professionals Fleten, Nils
4 1 artikel
34 Logistics of community smallpox control through contact tracing and ring vaccination: a stochastic network model Porco, Travis C
4 1 artikel
35 Low literacy Chinese patients: how are they affected and how do they cope with health matters? A qualitative study Lam, TP
4 1 artikel
36 Measuring the effects of acupuncture and homoeopathy in general practice: An uncontrolled prospective documentation approach Güthlin, Corina
4 1 artikel
37 Medical care usage and self-rated mental health Rohrer, James E
4 1 artikel
38 Mineral water intake reduces blood pressure among subjects with low urinary magnesium and calcium levels Rylander, Ragnar
4 1 artikel
39 "New Choices" for women with addictions: perceptions of program participants Sword, Wendy
4 1 artikel
40 Overweight, obesity, and colorectal cancer screening: Disparity between men and women Heo, Moonseong
4 1 artikel
41 Patterns of delays amongst pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Lagos, Nigeria Odusanya, Olumuyiwa O
4 1 artikel
42 Prevalence, and associated risk factors, of self-reported diabetes mellitus in a sample of adult urban population in Greece: MEDICAL Exit Poll Research in Salamis (MEDICAL EXPRESS 2002) Gikas, Aristofanis
4 1 artikel
43 Prevalence of hyperuricemia and relation of serum uric acid with cardiovascular risk factors in a developing country Conen, D
4 1 artikel
44 Rates of influenza vaccination in older adults and factors associated with vaccine use: A secondary analysis of the Canadian Study of Health and Aging Andrew, Melissa K
4 1 artikel
45 Reliability and validity of a short form household food security scale in a Caribbean community Gulliford, Martin C
4 1 artikel
46 Reliability of sickness certificates in detecting potential sick leave reduction by modifying working conditions: a clinical epidemiology study Fleten, Nils
4 1 artikel
47 Risk factors and in-hospital outcomes in stroke and myocardial infarction patients Ivanusa, Mario
4 1 artikel
48 Self-reported ill health in male UK Gulf War veterans: a retrospective cohort study Simmons, Rebecca
4 1 artikel
49 Smoking cigarettes of low nicotine yield does not reduce nicotine intake as expected: a study of nicotine dependency in Japanese males Nakazawa, Atsuko
4 1 artikel
50 Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance at a tertiary hospital in Tanzania Blomberg, Bjørn
4 1 artikel
51 Targeting smoking cessation to high prevalence communities: outcomes from a pilot intervention for gay men Harding, Richard
4 1 artikel
52 The effect of cigarette price increase on the cigarette consumption in Taiwan: evidence from the National Health Interview Surveys on cigarette consumption Lee, Jie-Min
4 1 artikel
53 The family as a determinant of stunting in children living in conditions of extreme poverty: a case-control study Reyes, Hortensia
4 1 artikel
54 The impact of employee level and work stress on mental health and GP service use: an analysis of a sample of Australian government employees Parslow, Ruth A
4 1 artikel
55 The Internet and HIV study: design and methods Elford, Jonathan
4 1 artikel
56 The lack of public health research output from India Dandona, Lalit
4 1 artikel
57 The Latin American Social Medicine database Eldredge, Jonathan D
4 1 artikel
58 The National Women's Health Study: assembly and description of a population-based reproductive cohort Maconochie, Noreen
4 1 artikel
59 The ProActive trial protocol – a randomised controlled trial of the efficacy of a family-based, domiciliary intervention programme to increase physical activity among individuals at high risk of diabetes [ISRCTN61323766] Williams, Kate
4 1 artikel
60 The reporting of theoretical health risks by the media: Canadian newspaper reporting of potential blood transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Wilson, Kumanan
4 1 artikel
61 The usefulness of the Korean version of modified Mini-Mental State Examination (K-mMMSE) for dementia screening in community dwelling elderly people Jeong, Seul-Ki
4 1 artikel
62 The validity of the SF-36 in an Australian National Household Survey: demonstrating the applicability of the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey to examination of health inequalities Butterworth, Peter
4 1 artikel
63 Treatment of pregnancy-related pelvic girdle and/or low back pain after delivery design of a randomized clinical trial within a comprehensive prognostic cohort study [ISRCTN08477490] Bastiaenen, Caroline HG
4 1 artikel
64 Trends in suicide in Scotland 1981 – 1999: age, method and geography Stark, Cameron
4 1 artikel
65 Validating the Time and Change test to screen for dementia in elderly Koreans Rhee, Jung-Ae
4 1 artikel
66 Validation of the diagnosis of autism in general practitioner records Fombonne, Eric
4 1 artikel
67 Validity of self reported male balding patterns in epidemiological studies Taylor, Rosalind
4 1 artikel
68 Verbal autopsy of 80,000 adult deaths in Tamilnadu, South India Gajalakshmi, Vendhan
4 1 artikel
69 Vitamin D deficiency and causative factors in the population of Tehran Hashemipour, Sima
4 1 artikel
                             69 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland