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                             39 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences and circulating cell-free DNA from plasma of chronic fatigue syndrome and non-fatigued subjects Vernon, Suzanne D
2 1 artikel
2 Antibodies against prM protein distinguish between previous infection with dengue and Japanese encephalitis viruses. Cardosa, Mary Jane
2 1 artikel
3 Avian papillomaviruses: the parrot Psittacus erithacus papillomavirus (PePV) genome has a unique organization of the early protein region and is phylogenetically related to the chaffinch papillomavirus Tachezy, Ruth
2 1 artikel
4 Bacterial discrimination by means of a universal array approach mediated by LDR (ligase detection reaction) Busti, Elena
2 1 artikel
5 Biofilm formation by nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae: strain variability, outer membrane antigen expression and role of pili Murphy, Timothy F
2 1 artikel
6 Cellophane based mini-prep method for DNA extraction from the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei Cassago, Alexandre
2 1 artikel
7 Colony shape as a genetic trait in the pattern-forming Bacillus mycoides Di Franco, Carmen
2 1 artikel
8 Detection and characterization of the S. typhimurium HilA protein Rodriguez, Christine R
2 1 artikel
9 Detection and subtyping of Herpes simplex virus in clinical samples by LightCycler PCR, enzyme immunoassay and cell culture Burrows, Julie
2 1 artikel
10 Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis specific IS900 insertion sequences in bulk-tank milk samples obtained from different regions throughout Switzerland Corti, Sabrina
2 1 artikel
11 Determination of PCR efficiency in chelex-100 purified clinical samples and comparison of real-time quantitative PCR and conventional PCR for detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae Mygind, Tina
2 1 artikel
12 Diversity and abundance of bacteria in an underground oil-storage cavity Watanabe, Kazuya
2 1 artikel
13 Dynamics of success and failure in phage and antibiotic therapy in experimental infections Bull, J J
2 1 artikel
14 Epstein-Barr virus reactivation after superinfection of the BJAB-B1 and P3HR-1 cell lines with cytomegalovirus Arcenas, Rodney C
2 1 artikel
15 Evaluation of amplified rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) for the identification of cultured mycobacteria in a diagnostic laboratory De Baere, Thierry
2 1 artikel
16 First isolation of the enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O145:H- from cattle in feedlot in Argentina Padola, Nora L
2 1 artikel
17 Genomic comparisons among Escherichia coli strains B, K-12, and O157:H7 using IS elements as molecular markers Schneider, Dominique
2 1 artikel
18 Growth of Helicobacter pylori in a long spiral form does not alter expression of immunodominant proteins Vinette, Kathleen MB
2 1 artikel
19 Hepatitis C virus whole genome position weight matrix and robust primer design Qiu, Ping
2 1 artikel
20 High resolution, on-line identification of strains from the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex based on tandem repeat typing Le Flèche, Philippe
2 1 artikel
21 HIV-1 expression induces cyclin D1 expression and pRb phosphorylation in infected podocytes: cell-cycle mechanisms contributing to the proliferative phenotype in HIV-associated nephropathy Nelson, Peter J
2 1 artikel
22 Identification of cultured isolates of clinically important yeast species using fluorescent fragment length analysis of the amplified internally transcribed rRNA spacer 2 region De Baere, Thierry
2 1 artikel
23 Interaction of the Yersinia pestis type III regulatory proteins LcrG and LcrV occurs at a hydrophobic interface Matson, Jyl S
2 1 artikel
24 Interaction of the Yersinia pestis type III regulatory proteins LcrG and LcrV occurs at a hydrophobic interface: correction Matson, Jyl S
2 1 artikel
25 Intrastrain and interstrain genetic variation within a paralogous gene family in Chlamydia pneumoniae Viratyosin, Wasna
2 1 artikel
26 Killing of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis within macrophages Bannantine, John P
2 1 artikel
27 Measurement of microbial activity in soil by colorimetric observation of in situ dye reduction: an approach to detection of extraterrestrial life Crawford, Ronald L
2 1 artikel
28 Mouse skin passage of a Streptococcus pyogenes Tn917 mutant of sagA/pel restores virulence, beta-hemolysis and sagA/pel expression without altering the position or sequence of the transposon: Correction Eberhard, Thomas H
2 1 artikel
29 Mycosin-1, a subtilisin-like serine protease of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is cell wall-associated and expressed during infection of macrophages Dave, Joel A
2 1 artikel
30 Oxygen and nitrate-dependent regulation of dmsABC operon expression in Escherichia coli: sites for Fnr and NarL protein interactions Bearson, Shawn MD
2 1 artikel
31 Physiological function of the maltose operon regulator, MalR, in Lactococcus lactis Andersson, Ulrika
2 1 artikel
32 Production of Diamino propionic acid ammonia lyase by a new strain of Salmonella typhimurium PU011 Rupesh, KR
2 1 artikel
33 Recognition of secretory proteins in Escherichia coli requires signals in addition to the signal sequence and slow folding Mallik, Ipsita
2 1 artikel
34 Serological evidence of herpesvirus infection in gibbons Sakulwira, Kamol
2 1 artikel
35 Serovar distribution of a DNA sequence involved in the antigenic relationship between Leptospira and equine cornea Lucchesi, Paula MA
2 1 artikel
36 Sulphonamide resistant commensal Neisseria with alterations in the dihydropteroate synthase can be isolated from carriers not exposed to sulphonamides Qvarnström, Yvonne
2 1 artikel
37 The expression, processing and localization of polymorphic membrane proteins in Chlamydia pneumoniae strain CWL029 Vandahl, Brian Berg
2 1 artikel
38 The mechanisms responsible for 2-dimensional pattern formation in bacterial macrofiber populations grown on solid surfaces: fiber joining and the creation of exclusion zones Mendelson, Neil H
2 1 artikel
39 The methionine salvage pathway in Bacillus subtilis Sekowska, Agnieszka
2 1 artikel
                             39 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland