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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Gnetum and Nymphaeaceans as Models for a Scenario of the Origin of Morphotype of Flowering Plants Pavel P. Gambaryan,

11 3 p. 237-253
2 Modeling Analysis of the Productivity of Artificial Spruce Stands with Different Planting Schemes Kolobov, A. N.

11 3 p. 293-302
3 Sex Ratio and Sex-Specific Survival in Avian Populations: A Review Payevsky, V. A.

11 3 p. 317-327
4 Shift of Bird Nesting Time in Central Siberia due to Climate Warming: Phenotypic Plasticity or Genetic Shift? Bourski, O. V.

11 3 p. 303-316
5 Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Fish in Lake Pskov Kriksunov, E. A.

11 3 p. 276-292
6 Species-Distribution Modeling: Advantages and Limitations of Its Application. 1. General Approaches Lissovsky, A. A.

11 3 p. 254-264
7 Species-Distribution Modeling: Advantages and Limitations of Its Application. 2. MaxEnt Lissovsky, A. A.

11 3 p. 265-275
8 Survival of United Populations in Unstable Environments Krylov, A. K.

11 3 p. 213-225
9 The Ostracods (Ostracoda, Crustacea) as a Model Object for the Studying of the Evolution of Sexual Dimorphism Shurupova, Y. A.

11 3 p. 226-236
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland