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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A novel compound heterozygous mutation of SLC12A3 gene in a pedigree with Gitelman syndrome and literature review Yang, Minglan

42 9 p. 1035-1040
2 Comparative genomics of canine Lactobacillus reuteri reveals adaptation to a shared environment with humans Son, Seungwoo

42 9 p. 1107-1116
3 Complete genome sequence of Sphingobium sp. strain PAMC 28499 reveals a potential for degrading pectin with comparative genomics approach Han, So-Ra

42 9 p. 1087-1096
4 De novo assembly and characterization of transcriptome in the medicinal plant Euphorbia jolkini Roy, Neha Samir

42 9 p. 1011-1021
5 Differential manifestation of ocular phenotypes in TALEN-mediated p19arf knockout FVB/N and C57BL/6J mouse lines Park, Jin-Sung

42 9 p. 1023-1033
6 Estimation of C-derived introgression into A. m. mellifera colonies in the Russian Urals using microsatellite genotyping Ilyasov, Rustem A.

42 9 p. 987-996
7 Expression and evolution of the phospholipase C gene family in Brachypodium distachyon Wang, Xianguo

42 9 p. 1041-1053
8 Identification of two rare mutations c.1318G>A and c.6438+2T>G in a Chinese DMD family as genetic markers Zhu, Yingchuan

42 9 p. 1067-1074
9 MiR-339 attenuates LPS-induced intestinal epithelial cells inflammatory responses and apoptosis by targeting TLR4 Xie, Meiying

42 9 p. 1097-1105
10 Phylogenetic relationships between different raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) populations based on four nuclear and Y genes Hong, YoonJee

42 9 p. 1075-1085
11 The dynamic transcriptome of waxy maize (Zea mays L. sinensis Kulesh) during seed development Gu, Wei

42 9 p. 997-1010
12 The impact of TNFSF14 on prognosis and immune microenvironment in clear cell renal cell carcinoma Xu, Fangshi

42 9 p. 1055-1066
13 The Tim gene family in efferocytosis Kim, Deokhwan

42 9 p. 979-986
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland