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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Active warming of saline or blood is ineffective when standard infusion tubing is used: an experimental study Bissonnette, Bruno

49 3 p. 270-275
2 Apfel’s simplified score may favourably predict the risk of postoperative nausea and vomiting Pierre, Sébastien

49 3 p. 237-242
3 Electroconvulsive therapy with thiamylal or propofol during pregnancy Iwasaki, Kanako

49 3 p. 324-325
4 Gender and pain upon movement are associated with the requirements for postoperative patient-controllediv analgesia: a prospective survey of 2,298 Chinese patients Chia, Yuan-Yi

49 3 p. 249-255
5 Inadvertent insertion of a gastric tube into the airway in an awake patient Asai, Takashi

49 3 p. 322
6 Ketamine anesthesia for pericardial window in a patient with pericardial tamponade and severe COPD Aye, Tim

49 3 p. 283-286
7 Life threatening external iliac artery injury following total hip replacement Arora, Mahesh Kumar

49 3 p. 323-324
8 On smooth extubation without coughing and bucking Chan, Peter B. K.

49 3 p. 324
9 Opening propofol ampoules safely Cohen, Yitzhak

49 3 p. 326
10 Perioperative use of transesophageal echocardiography by anesthesiologists: Impact in noncardiac surgery and in the intensive care unit Denault, André Y.

49 3 p. 287-293
11 Pulmonary artery catheters in cardiovascular surgery Thomson, Ian R.

49 3 p. 226-231
12 Regional blood flows are affected differently by PEEP when the abdomen is open or closed: An experimental rabbit model Lefrant, Jean-Yves

49 3 p. 302-308
13 Reply Huda, Wasimul

49 3 p. 326
14 Rescue therapy with inhaled nitric oxide in critically ill patients with severe hypoxemic respiratory failure (Brief report) Baxter, Fred J.

49 3 p. 315-318
15 Single-lung ventilation in a pediatric patient using a pediatric fibreoptically-directed wire-guided endobronchial blocker Yun, Elizabeth S.

49 3 p. 256-261
16 Single-lung ventilation in pediatrics Levine, Mark

49 3 p. 221-225
17 Spinal anesthesia in 62 premature, former-premature or young infants-technical aspects and pitfalls Shenkman, Ze’ev

49 3 p. 262-269
18 Submucous fibrosis secondary to chewing of quids: Another cause of unanticipated difficult intubation Mahajan, Rajesh

49 3 p. 309-311
19 Survey of the members of the cardiovascular section of the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society on the use of perioperative transesophageal echocardiography — a brief report Lambert, A. Stephane

49 3 p. 294-296
20 The appropriateness of the pulmonary artery catheter in cardiovascular surgery Jacka, Michael J.

49 3 p. 276-282
21 The HemoCue®, a point of care B-hemoglobin photometer, measures hemoglobin concentrations accurately when mixedin vitro with canine plasma and three hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOC) Jahr, Jonathan S.

49 3 p. 243-248
22 The inter-rater and intra-rater reliability of a new Canadian oral examination format in anesthesia is fair to good Kearney, Ramona A.

49 3 p. 232-236
23 The OxyArm™ — a new minimal contact oxygen delivery system for mouth or nose breathing Ling, Elizabeth

49 3 p. 297-301
24 Unexpectedly low levels of plasma brain natriuretic peptide in the patient with massive pulmonary tumour emboli Hisaoka, Tomoko

49 3 p. 322-323
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland