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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A novel ethylene-responsive factor IbERF4 from sweetpotato negatively regulates abiotic stress Yu, Yang

14 4 p. 397-406
2 Antioxidant enzyme activity and microRNA are associated with growth of Poa pratensis callus under salt stress Luo, Hongsong

14 4 p. 429-438
3 Effects of IBA on rooting ability of Cinnamomum bodinieri citral type micro-shoots from transcriptomics analysis Xiao, Zufei

14 4 p. 467-477
4 Examination of glucoraphanin content in broccoli seedlings over growth and the impact of hormones and sulfur-containing compounds Kim, Young Cheon

14 4 p. 491-496
5 Gene expression variability between randomly and targeted transgene integration events in tobacco suspension cell lines Kirchhoff, Janina

14 4 p. 451-458
6 Increased brazzein expression by abiotic stress and bioreactor culture system for the production of sweet protein, brazzein Han, Jong-Eun

14 4 p. 459-466
7 Molecular cloning and expression analysis of the transcription factor CobHLH40 from Cornus officinalis on the basis of de novo transcriptome sequencing Hou, Dianyun

14 4 p. 419-428
8 Overexpression of CsRCI2H enhances salt tolerance in Camelina sativa (L.) Kim, Yeon-Ok

14 4 p. 439-449
9 Overexpression of the potato StEPF2 gene confers enhanced drought tolerance in Arabidopsis Wang, Yanli

14 4 p. 479-490
10 Rapid generation of transgenic and gene-edited Solanum nigrum plants using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation Park, Seunghye

14 4 p. 497-504
11 The Arabidopsis WDR55 is positively involved in ABA-mediated drought tolerance response Park, Sang-Ryoung

14 4 p. 407-418
12 The dehydrin gene of the Arctic plant Cerastium arcticum, CaDHN, increases tolerance to multiple stresses in Arabidopsis thaliana Shin, Sun-Young

14 4 p. 387-395
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland