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                             75 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comparative study between the US and China to explore users’ intention to continue using mobile payments based on valence theory Chen, Haoran

43 17 p. 15843-15858
2 A meta-analysis of horizontal leadership and knowledge sharing Yin, Kui

43 17 p. 15507-15521
3 An exploratory study of deep learning-based sentiment analysis among Weibo users in China Song, Jian

43 17 p. 15213-15226
4 Are visual pseudohallucinations and auditory verbal hallucinations equivalents? Gambolò, Luca

43 17 p. 15431-15433
5 Assessing emotion beliefs with the Polish version of the Emotion Beliefs Questionnaire (EBQ): psychometric properties, norms, and links with emotional reactivity and psychopathology Larionow, Paweł

43 17 p. 15939-15951
6 A tale of three retractions: a call for standardized categorization and criteria in retraction statements Ivory, James D.

43 17 p. 16023-16029
7 A transdiagnostic approach to sexual distress and pleasure: The role of worry, rumination, and emotional regulation Guerreiro, Patrícia P.

43 17 p. 15385-15396
8 A twenty-year bibliometric analysis on the relationship between complicated grief and attachment Ribera-Asensi, Olga

43 17 p. 15522-15531
9 Awe weakens the blatant dehumanization of people with obesity via common ingroup identity Lv, Yichao

43 17 p. 15328-15341
10 Being a good citizen in pandemics – compliance to social distancing and prosociality following death reminders Leung, Hoi-Ting

43 17 p. 15146-15159
11 Beliefs about the function of self-harm and stigmatizing responses: Testing the attribution model and a novel psychophysical response measure Dawson, Kristy

43 17 p. 15771-15786
12 Best practices for considering retractions Edlund, John E

43 17 p. 16015-16022
13 Beyond positive psychological processes: does self-rated emotional intelligence still matter in predicting depressive symptoms in older adults? Chang, Edward C.

43 17 p. 15255-15261
14 Big five personality traits and spontaneous mental contrasting among Chinese students Tamim, Muhaned

43 17 p. 15459-15470
15 Causal relationship between perceived overqualification and job satisfaction, and its long-term effects on turnover: a cross-lagged analysis across four years Mah, Sunghyuck

43 17 p. 15925-15938
16 Classroom strategy diversity and early mathematical growth across intervention conditions Dong, Yixiao

43 17 p. 15908-15924
17 Construction and management of retraction stigma in retraction notices: an authorship-based investigation Xu, Shaoxiong (Brian)

43 17 p. 16030-16043
18 Different developmental feedback, same employee performance improvement: The role of job crafting and supervisor social support Wang, Chunzhen

43 17 p. 15826-15842
19 Do caregivers' perceived constraints influence children's outdoor play in urban public spaces in China? An empirical study based on the leisure constraint theory Chen, Hong

43 17 p. 15227-15242
20 Double-edged sword effect of informal status on work procrastination: the roles of career calling and workload Zhang, Zheng

43 17 p. 15633-15648
21 DSM-5 section II personality disorders through the lens of PID-5 and MMPI-2-RF: a study of an iranian sample Fard, Zahra Ghamkhar

43 17 p. 15673-15688
22 Dynamic virtual faces demonstrate deterioration in the recognition of facial emotion in bipolar disorder patients Monferrer, Marta

43 17 p. 15113-15124
23 Effectiveness of a transdiagnostic indicated preventive intervention for adolescents at high risk for anxiety and depressive disorders Garcia-Lopez, Luis-Joaquin

43 17 p. 15484-15498
24 Effect of financial overcompensation on consumer trust after e-commerce service failures: evidence from event-related potentials Wang, Qiushi

43 17 p. 15621-15632
25 Effects of emotion regulation training on social problem-solving in hard-of-hearing adolescents Danadel, Mehrshid

43 17 p. 15366-15375
26 Effects of MBCT training on anxiety-related personality traits in medical students: a pilot study Yin, Danxu

43 17 p. 15898-15907
27 “Exercising like my sporty idol”: sporty prototype perceptions associated with adolescents’ physical activity in an integrative behavioral prediction model Yao, Yao

43 17 p. 15859-15871
28 Exploring cultural trauma: psychology of muslim migrants, culture and beliefs in post 9/11 America Ahmad, Muhammad Sohail

43 17 p. 15576-15587
29 Factors associated with self-compassion in Chinese oesophageal cancer patients undergoing oesophagectomy: Based on self-determination theory Li, Wen

43 17 p. 15551-15563
30 Filling the mental service gap on campus: an effectiveness trial testing the utility of app-based mindfulness psychological intervention for college students Min, Yeseul

43 17 p. 15434-15444
31 Green vanguard: unleashing the power of environmental specific transformational leadership for organizational environmental reputation, driven by environmental consciousness and nurtured by green technology dynamism Cheng, Yuhuan

43 17 p. 15272-15285
32 How does mortality salience influences personal identity-based consumption? The role of meaning in life Xiao, Haowen

43 17 p. 15564-15575
33 How does responsible leadership affect healthcare professionals’ customer-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors? Mediating and moderating effect analysis Seray Özkan, Osman

43 17 p. 15689-15704
34 Investigating the antecedents of employee authenticity from the organizational context: the mediating role of basic psychological need satisfaction Song, Lili

43 17 p. 15352-15365
35 Longitudinal asynchrony between depressive symptoms and life satisfaction: a 14-year contemporaneous correlation Kwak, Seyul

43 17 p. 15611-15620
36 “Male suicide and barriers to accessing professional support: a qualitative thematic analysis” Bennett, Susanna

43 17 p. 15125-15145
37 Managerial coaching and subordinates’ psychological distress: a cross-level moderated mediation study Song, Jian

43 17 p. 15725-15736
38 Mechanism of implicit moral decision in the context of non-deceptive counterfeit luxury consumption Jin, Jia

43 17 p. 15191-15201
39 Mexican American adolescents and generalized anxiety disorder: a narrative review Mommaerts, Katherine

43 17 p. 15091-15101
40 Mobile contents for daily mood management: application of regulation focus theory Lee, Hannah

43 17 p. 15971-15982
41 Moderating effect of socioeconomic status on nonlinear relationship between job quality and quality of life Kim, KonShik

43 17 p. 15737-15756
42 Negative school gossip and prosocial behavior among high school students: mediated by basic psychological needs satisfaction and moderated by self-compassion Shen, Yinqi

43 17 p. 15813-15825
43 Not perceptually equivalent in semantic emotion across visual and auditory modalities: cross-modal affective norms of two-character Chinese emotion-label words Tang, Enze

43 17 p. 15308-15327
44 Nurturing knowledge absorption in the organizations: examining the role of transformational leadership, learning climate, and proactive personality Lei, YaoKai

43 17 p. 15959-15970
45 Office islands: exploring the uncharted waters of workplace loneliness, social media addiction, and the fear of missing out Tang, Tseng-Chung

43 17 p. 15160-15175
46 Orthorexia nervosa and psychosocial impairment from a multidimensional perspective: a structural equation modelling approach Zagaria, Andrea

43 17 p. 15397-15407
47 Outcome-oriented resilience moderates the relationship between emotion-focused coping style and negative affect: evidence from a daily diary approach Lu, Wei

43 17 p. 15262-15271
48 Parental perspectives on the use of fidget toys and sensory-seeking profiles in autistic and neurotypical children Roche, Megan A.

43 17 p. 15872-15882
49 Perceived discrimination, cultural mistrust, and mental health among Black collegians Garba, Ramya

43 17 p. 15499-15506
50 Personality and specialization choice Coșa, Lucica Emilia

43 17 p. 15602-15610
51 Person-organization fit in Japan: A longitudinal study of the effects of clan culture and interdependence on employee well-being Watanabe, Y.

43 17 p. 15445-15458
52 Prevalence of olfactory reference disorder according to the ICD-11 in a German university student sample Reuter, Julia

43 17 p. 15102-15112
53 Protective behavioral strategies convey greater protection against alcohol-related problems for members of Greek life than non-members Zimmerman, Lauren

43 17 p. 15422-15430
54 Relationship between self-construal and demotivation to learn English – Mediating role of disengagement Shuwei, Yang

43 17 p. 15798-15812
55 Relationship of personality traits with degree of subjective learning and satisfaction in different class formats among Japanese university students Yamamoto, Mana

43 17 p. 15532-15536
56 Roadmap for implementing a multi-tiered system of supports framework to improve school attendance Graczyk, Patricia A.

43 17 p. 15286-15307
57 Social comparison affect emotional processing in subthreshold depression: evidence from an ERP study Du, Xue

43 17 p. 15757-15770
58 Stability and transitions of depressive symptoms among Chinese older adults over a 5-year follow up Li, Xuyang

43 17 p. 15787-15797
59 Strengthening corporate culture construction to promote corporate ideological and political work and improving employees’ psychological incentive strategies high-commitment HR practices as a moderator Song, Yining

43 17 p. 15588-15601
60 The comparison of alexithymia and self-consciousness in male and female adolescents Ziaei, Tayebe

43 17 p. 15952-15958
61 The effect of the self-compassion program on self-compassion and professional quality of life among healthcare professionals Bedir, Melikegul

43 17 p. 15376-15384
62 The effect of yoga on care burden, quality of life and psychological well being of caregivers individuals with special needs: a randomized controlled trial Özdemir, Tuğba

43 17 p. 15243-15254
63 The impact of acceptance and commitment therapy on college students’ suicidal ideations, a tendency to self-harm, and existential anxiety Jalali Azar, Rojin

43 17 p. 15649-15658
64 The intersection of education and sport among Ukrainian university athletes: the role of identity and passion for sport in athletic and academic motivation Yukhymenko-Lescroart, Mariya A.

43 17 p. 15408-15421
65 The mediating roles of social support and basic psychological needs in the relationship between gratitude and adolescent prosocial behavior Yu, Qingyun

43 17 p. 15342-15351
66 The present may not be pretty: mindfulness intensifies the harm of abusive supervision on employee hostile attribution bias and deviant behavior Tian, Guangdi

43 17 p. 15537-15550
67 The reactions of supervisor to subordinate proactive personality: A study from the perspective of supervisor dual envy Lin, Ye

43 17 p. 15883-15897
68 The regulation of target salience on preschool children’s top-down attentional control Ye, Xiaohong

43 17 p. 15077-15090
69 The relationship between adolescents’ social anxiety level and parental acceptance-rejection and control: the mediating role of ınterpersonal cognitive distortions Sireli, Ozlem

43 17 p. 15202-15212
70 The relationship between moral identity, motivation, and basic psychological needs to special education teacher retention Locquiao, Jed

43 17 p. 15176-15190
71 The relationships among online self-regulated english learning, task value, and academic self-efficacy: the mediating role of the task value Yossatorn, Yossiri

43 17 p. 15705-15724
72 Unequal treatment under the flaw: race, crime & retractions Savolainen, Jukka

43 17 p. 16002-16014
73 Unveiling the tapestry of teacher belief research: tracing the present and forging the future through bibliometric analysis Wang, Xiaochen

43 17 p. 15659-15672
74 Volunteers’ satisfaction with the voluntary association: exploring the role of service climate, organizational identification, and understanding motivation Toscano, Ferdinando

43 17 p. 15471-15483
75 What does rejection look like? A photovoice study on emotions and coping regarding manuscript rejection Argan, Metin

43 17 p. 15983-16001
                             75 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland