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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Calculation of triple differential cross-sections ofK-shell ionization of medium-heavy atoms by electrons for symmetric geometry Das, J. N.

51 6 p. 751-756
2 Collapsing void in a spatially flat Robertson-Walker universe Mandal, D. R.

51 6 p. 673-687
3 Einstein equations and the joining of discontinuous metrics Thakur, Jagannath

51 6 p. 699-710
4 Mass and decay constant of the (qq)-pion in a relativistic-potential model of independent quarks Jena, S. N.

51 6 p. 711-725
5 Motion of test particles around global monopoles in Brans-Dicke theory Chakraborty, Subenoy

51 6 p. 689-692
6 Near-barrier fusion reactions induced by α on197Au,193Ir,191Ir,185Re,181Ta,121Sb and69Ga nuclei Ismail, M.

51 6 p. 743-749
7 Physical nature of the event horizon Thakur, Jagannath

51 6 p. 693-698
8 Possibility of weakly charged nonlinear solitary dust clouds near the continuum threshold of dust population in a quasi-neutral dusty plasma Baishya, S. K.

51 6 p. 757-771
9 Spherically symmetric static solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations Krishna Rao, J.

51 6 p. 663-671
10 T = 0 versusT = 1 pairing in 0(36) limit of IBM-4 for heavyN = Z nuclei Kota, V. K. B.

51 6 p. 727-731
11 Vertex function and coupling constant for the virtual decay of7Li Sharma, V. K.

51 6 p. 733-742
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland