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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Attosecond charge migration in heterocyclic five-membered rings Giri, Sucharita

232 12 p. 1935-1943
2 Characterization and photochemistry of XCO2 (X = F, NH2, CH3) radicals Kechoindi, S.

232 12 p. 1905-1916
3 Coping with the node problem in resonant scattering simulations using quantum trajectories: an efficient and accurate combined analytical-numerical scheme Dupuy, Lucien

232 12 p. 1871-1883
4 Dissipative friction dynamics within the density-functional based tight-binding scheme Michoulier, Eric

232 12 p. 1975-1983
5 Dissociative recombination of N2H+: a revisited study Mezei, János Zsolt

232 12 p. 1967-1973
6 Inelastic scattering of hydrogen atoms off pristine and hydrogen-covered W(100) surfaces Barrios, Raidel Martin

232 12 p. 1985-1993
7 Mean square displacement of a free quantum particle on the basis of thermal Gaussian wave packets Bindech, Oussama

232 12 p. 1885-1895
8 On the sum-of-products to product-of-sums transformation between analytical low-rank approximations in finite basis representation Panadés-Barrueta, Ramón L.

232 12 p. 1897-1904
9 Quantum dynamics in molecular systems Ancarani, Lorenzo Ugo

232 12 p. 1843-1845
10 Quantum molecular dynamics simulations of the effect of secondary modes on the photoisomerization of a retinal chromophore model Pereira, Ari

232 12 p. 1917-1933
11 Quantum study of the radiative association of Cl-+H2 and Cl-+D2 Lara-Moreno, M.

232 12 p. 1961-1966
12 Quasi-classical trajectory study of F + HCl reactive scattering at hyperthermal collision energies Freixas-Lemus, Victor Manuel

232 12 p. 1945-1960
13 Survey of the hierarchical equations of motion in tensor-train format for non-Markovian quantum dynamics Mangaud, Etienne

232 12 p. 1847-1869
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland