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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adjuvant chemotherapy following radical surgery for non-small cell lung cancer: A randomized study Xu, Guang-chuan

11 1 p. 74-77
2 Bcl-2 gene rearrangement determined by PCR as a mean to detect minimal residual disease in malignant lymphomas Xiang, Zhi-fu

11 1 p. 49-52
3 Cloning and determining of bac gene and Bcl-2 and CDK4 expression on ascites hepatoma cell line Hca-F25/25CL-16A3 Zuo, Yun-fei

11 1 p. 26-28
4 Detection of gene mutation in sputum of lung cancer patient Zhang, He-long

11 1 p. 77
5 Detection of t(14; 18) chromosomal translocation in paraffin-embedded hepatocellular carcinoma tissue by in situ PCR Guo, Lin-lang

11 1 p. 32-34
6 Effects of perioperative cimetidine administration on natural killer cells in patients with gastrointestinal cancer Li, Yan

11 1 p. 70-73
7 Experimental study of the effect of angiogenesis inhibitor TNP-470 on the growth and metastasis of gastric cancer in vivo Liu, Bing-ya

11 1 p. 5-7
8 Expression of P16 and cyclin D1 in the course of carcinogenesis of the stomach Chen, Yu-long

11 1 p. 29-31
9 Expression of p53, c-erbB-2, PCNA and DAN content in lung carcinoma Chen, Shou-song

11 1 p. 78
10 Expression of ras gene in experimental hepatocarcinogenesis in tree shrews Ban, Ke-chen

11 1 p. 23-25
11 Familial adenomatous polyposis Xu, Ning

11 1 p. 55
12 High efficiency retrovirus-mediated gene transfer to leukemia cells Fu, Jian-xin

11 1 p. 8-12
13 Immunohistochemical detection of P73 product in brain glomas Zhai, Guang

11 1 p. 53-55
14 Inhibition of telomerase activity during induction of HL-60 cells by retinoid Ro13-7410 Liu, Xiao-shan

11 1 p. 16-18
15 Long term results of bronchial arterial infusion with chemotherapeutic agents plus radiation therapy in the teratment of locally advanced non small cell lung cancer Liu, Xiu-ying

11 1 p. 66-69
16 Population characters in high risk pedigrees of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) Huang, Teng-bo

11 1 p. 1-4
17 Purification of monoclonal antibody 3H11 against gastric cancer for in vivo use Li, Zhen-fu

11 1 p. 19-22
18 Radiation-induced apoptosis of two nasopharangeal carcinoma cell lines Wang, Feng-wei

11 1 p. 35-37
19 Supraglottic laryngectomy with or without one arytenoid in epiglottic carcinoma (40 cases report) Dong, Pin

11 1 p. 56-58
20 Surgical treatment of primary esophageal adenocarcinoma Wang, Yong-gang

11 1 p. 44-48
21 Survival analysis of cancer cases from Qidong cancer registry Chen, Jian-guo

11 1 p. 38-43
22 Telomerase activity in human gastric and colorectal cancer and surrounding tissues Chen, Wen

11 1 p. 13-15
23 The eosinophilic material in adenomatoid odontogenic tumor associated with amyloid protein component Song, Bao-ping

11 1 p. 59-62
24 Vindesine with cyclophosphamide-epirubicin-cisplatin in the treatment locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer Hu, Yan-ping

11 1 p. 63-65
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland