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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Assessment of clinical relevant fatigue level in cancer Chang, Yoon Jung

15 7 p. 891-896
2 Childhood cancer—are there predictors of parental well-being? Bergsträsser, Eva

15 7 p. 799-800
3 Developing a literature base to understand the caregiving experience of parents of children with cancer: a systematic review of factors related to parental health and well-being Klassen, Anne

15 7 p. 807-818
4 Effects of skeletal morbidities on longitudinal patient-reported outcomes and survival in patients with metastatic prostate cancer DePuy, Venita

15 7 p. 869-876
5 Elective removal of cuffed central venous catheters in children Lee, Anselm C. W.

15 7 p. 897-901
6 Factors associated with poor general health after stem-cell transplantation Larsen, Joacim

15 7 p. 849-857
7 Factors related to anxiety and depression in women with breast cancer and their husbands: role of alexithymia and family functioning Mantani, Tomoyuki

15 7 p. 859-868
8 Pegfilgrastim as hematopoietic support for dose-dense chemoimmunotherapy with R-CHOP-14 as first-line therapy in elderly patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma Mey, Ulrich J. M.

15 7 p. 877-884
9 Phase I participants’ views of quality of life and trial participation burdens Cohen, Marlene Zichi

15 7 p. 885-890
10 The impact of an educational DVD on cancer patients considering participation in a phase I clinical trial Strevel, Elizabeth L.

15 7 p. 829-840
11 Ways to obtain a breast cancer diagnosis, consistency of information, patient satisfaction, and the presence of relatives Brake, Henning

15 7 p. 841-847
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland