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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Altitude and latitude have different effects on population characteristics of the widespread plant Anthyllis vulneraria Daco, Laura

197 2 p. 537-549
2 Contrasting population manipulations reveal resource competition between two large marsupials: bare-nosed wombats and eastern grey kangaroos Tamura, Julie

197 2 p. 313-325
3 Dispersal-based versus niche-based processes as drivers of flea species composition on small mammalian hosts: inferences from species occurrences at large and small scales Gibert, Corentin

197 2 p. 471-484
4 Drivers of taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversities in dominant ground-dwelling arthropods of coastal heathlands Hacala, Axel

197 2 p. 511-522
5 Effects of plant species diversity on nematode community composition and diversity in a long-term biodiversity experiment Dietrich, Peter

197 2 p. 297-311
6 Fine-scale variation in microhabitat conditions influences physiology and metabolism in an Antarctic insect Spacht, Drew E.

197 2 p. 373-385
7 Flocking in birds increases annual adult survival in a global analysis Beauchamp, Guy

197 2 p. 387-394
8 Forage stoichiometry predicts the home range size of a small terrestrial herbivore Rizzuto, Matteo

197 2 p. 327-338
9 Haemosporidian taxonomic composition, network centrality and partner fidelity between resident and migratory avian hosts de Angeli Dutra, Daniela

197 2 p. 501-509
10 High frequency of prospecting for informed dispersal and colonisation in a social species at large spatial scale Oro, Daniel

197 2 p. 395-409
11 Individual-based multiple-unit dissimilarity: novel indices and null model for assessing temporal variability in community composition Nakadai, Ryosuke

197 2 p. 353-364
12 Multi-species prey dynamics influence local survival in resident and wintering generalist predators Oro, Daniel

197 2 p. 437-446
13 Nitrogen pollution promotes changes in the niche space of fish communities de Carvalho, Débora Reis

197 2 p. 485-500
14 Parallel evolution of morphological traits and body shape in littoral and pelagic brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, along a gradient of interspecific competition Rainville, Vincent

197 2 p. 421-436
15 Pathogen infection influences the relationship between spring and autumn phenology at the seedling and leaf level Mutz, Jessie

197 2 p. 447-457
16 Phylogenetic distance and resource availability mediate direction and strength of plant interactions in a competition experiment Williams, Evelyn W.

197 2 p. 459-469
17 Predation risk differentially affects aphid morphotypes: impacts on prey behavior, fecundity and transgenerational dispersal morphology Hermann, Sara L.

197 2 p. 411-419
18 Sexual segregation in juvenile Antarctic fur seals Jones, Kayleigh A.

197 2 p. 339-352
19 Tree growth response to soil nutrients and neighborhood crowding varies between mycorrhizal types in an old-growth temperate forest Ren, Jing

197 2 p. 523-535
20 Variation in reproductive investment increases body temperature amplitude in a temperate passerine Nilsson, Jan-Åke

197 2 p. 365-371
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland