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                             54 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A dual-branch hybrid network of CNN and transformer with adaptive keyframe scheduling for video semantic segmentation Liang, Zhixue

30 2 artikel
2 An adaptive Bagging algorithm based on lightweight transformer for multi-class imbalance recognition Wang, Junyi

30 2 artikel
3 An efficient black widow optimization-based faster R-CNN for classification of COVID-19 from CT images Vani, S.

30 2 artikel
4 An improved non-local means algorithm for CT image denoising Kong, Huihua

30 2 artikel
5 Arbitrary style transfer method with attentional feature distribution matching Ge, Bin

30 2 artikel
6 A secure video data streaming model using modified firefly and SVD technique Muthulakshmi, K.

30 2 artikel
7 Assessing the adoption of the Yavuz Battleship application in the mixed reality environment using the technology acceptance model Kara, Murat

30 2 artikel
8 Audio splicing detection and localization using multistage filterbank spectral sketches and decision fusion Su, Zhaopin

30 2 artikel
9 Boundary-aware GAN for multiple overlapping objects in layout-to-image generation Quan, Fengnan

30 2 artikel
10 Cascaded refinement residual attention network for image outpainting Yang, Yizhong

30 2 artikel
11 Complementary expert balanced learning for long-tail cross-modal retrieval Liu, Peifang

30 2 artikel
12 Design and implementation of a real-time face recognition system based on artificial intelligence techniques Chang, Chih-Yung

30 2 artikel
13 Design of integrated interactive system for pre-diagnosis of breast cancer pathological images based on CNN and PyQt5 Yang, Yunkai

30 2 artikel
14 Domain-adaptive person re-identification via domain alignment and mutual pseudo-label refinement Zhu, Songhao

30 2 artikel
15 Driver intention prediction based on multi-dimensional cross-modality information interaction Xue, Mengfan

30 2 artikel
16 Dual-band low-light image enhancement Mi, Aizhong

30 2 artikel
17 FMR-Net: a fast multi-scale residual network for low-light image enhancement Chen, Yuhan

30 2 artikel
18 GHCL: Gaussian heuristic curriculum learning for Brain CT report generation Shen, Qingya

30 2 artikel
19 Gs-DeblurGANv2: a QR code deblurring algorithm based on lightweight network structure Gu, Wencheng

30 2 artikel
20 Illustrated character face super-deformation via unsupervised image-to-image translation Sawada, Tomoya

30 2 artikel
21 Image inpainting method based on AU-GAN Dong, Chuangchuang

30 2 artikel
22 Imbalance multiclass problem: a robust feature enhancement-based framework for liver lesion classification Hu, Rui

30 2 artikel
23 Indirect: invertible and discrete noisy image rescaling with enhancement from case-dependent textures Do, Huu-Phu

30 2 artikel
24 Indirect visual–semantic alignment for generalized zero-shot recognition Chen, Yan-He

30 2 artikel
25 Infant head and brain segmentation from magnetic resonance images using fusion-based deep learning strategies Torres, Helena R.

30 2 artikel
26 Integrating user-side information into matrix factorization to address data sparsity of collaborative filtering Behera, Gopal

30 2 artikel
27 Intelligent-paint: a Chinese painting process generation method based on vision transformer Wang, Zunfu

30 2 artikel
28 Iris-LAHNet: a lightweight attention-guided high-resolution network for iris segmentation and localization Yan, Yue

30 2 artikel
29 Learning shared features from specific and ambiguous descriptions for text-based person search Cheng, Ke

30 2 artikel
30 MadFormer: multi-attention-driven image super-resolution method based on Transformer Liu, Beibei

30 2 artikel
31 Mmy-net: a multimodal network exploiting image and patient metadata for simultaneous segmentation and diagnosis Gu, Renshu

30 2 artikel
32 Multiscale image denoising algorithm based on UNet3+ Liu, Kui

30 2 artikel
33 Optimization of segmentation model based on maximization information fusion and its application in nuclear image analysis Xiong, Feiyan

30 2 artikel
34 Overcomplete-to-sparse representation learning for few-shot class-incremental learning Mengying, Fu

30 2 artikel
35 Pancreas segmentation in CT based on RC-3DUNet with SOM Liu, Zhe

30 2 artikel
36 Personalized time-sync comment generation based on a multimodal transformer Wang, Hei-Chia

30 2 artikel
37 PointSGLN: a novel point cloud classification network based on sampling grouping and local point normalization Zhao, Wenbin

30 2 artikel
38 Prior tissue knowledge-driven contrastive learning for brain CT report generation Shi, Yanzhao

30 2 artikel
39 Recognize after early fusion: the Chinese food recognition based on the alignment of image and ingredients Zhang, Ruoxuan

30 2 artikel
40 Reconciling global and local optimal label assignments for heavily occluded pedestrian detection Liu, Chongwei

30 2 artikel
41 Reducing blind spots in esophagogastroduodenoscopy examinations using a novel deep learning model Wan, Guangquan

30 2 artikel
42 RKSeg+: make full use of Runge–Kutta methods in medical image segmentation Zhu, Mai

30 2 artikel
43 Same-clothes person re-identification with dual-stream network Wu, Zhiyue

30 2 artikel
44 Scalable image coding with enhancement features for human and machine Wu, Ying

30 2 artikel
45 Severity of lung infection identification and classification using optimization-enabled deep learning with IoT Vijaya, P.

30 2 artikel
46 SMA-GCN: a fall detection method based on spatio-temporal relationship Yang, Xuecun

30 2 artikel
47 Target aware network architecture search and compression for efficient knowledge transfer Basha, S. H. Shabbeer

30 2 artikel
48 Towards domain adaptation underwater image enhancement and restoration Yang, Chao

30 2 artikel
49 Unsupervised domain adaptation of dynamic extension networks based on class decision boundaries Chen, Yuanjiao

30 2 artikel
50 360° video quality assessment based on saliency-guided viewport extraction Yang, Fanxi

30 2 artikel
51 Virtual human pose estimation in a fire education system for children with autism spectrum disorders Guo, Yangyang

30 2 artikel
52 Vision transformer models for mobile/edge devices: a survey Lee, Seung Il

30 2 artikel
53 Visual sentiment analysis using data-augmented deep transfer learning techniques Hong, Haoran

30 2 artikel
54 Zero-shot image classification via Visual–Semantic Feature Decoupling Sun, Xin

30 2 artikel
                             54 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland