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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A dual-encoder U-Net for landslide detection using Sentinel-2 and DEM data Lu, Wei

20 9 p. 1975-1987
2 Combining InSAR and infrared thermography with numerical simulation to identify the unstable slope of open-pit: Qidashan case study, China Lu, Yu

20 9 p. 1961-1974
3 Contrasting landslide activity on slopes with different structural geology: evidence from dendrogeomorphic analysis Kozák, Michal

20 9 p. 1893-1903
4 Correction to: Prediction of the future landslide susceptibility scenario based on LULC and climate projections Tyagi, Ankit

20 9 p. 2029
5 Deformation evolution of landslides induced by coal mining in mountainous areas: case study of the Madaling landslide, Guizhou, China Lai, Qiyi

20 9 p. 2003-2016
6 DEM-SPH simulation for the formation and breaching of a landslide-dammed lake triggered by the 2022 Lushan earthquake Zhu, Qing-yang

20 9 p. 1925-1941
7 Detailed investigation and movement process analysis of typical high-locality landslide in dry season: a case of Qingliu landslide Gao, Zemin

20 9 p. 1943-1959
8 Improving landslide inventories by combining satellite interferometry and landscape analysis: the case of Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain) Reyes-Carmona, Cristina

20 9 p. 1815-1835
9 InterpolatiON of InSAR Time series for the dEtection of ground deforMatiOn eVEnts (ONtheMOVE): application to slow-moving landslides Pedretti, Laura

20 9 p. 1797-1813
10 Kinetic characteristics and runout behavior of the rainfall-induced Hoengseong landslide at a solar power plant on 9 August 2022 in Gangwon Province, Korea Nam, Kounghoon

20 9 p. 1905-1923
11 Landslide-prone area retrieval and earthquake-inducing hazard probability assessment based on InSAR analysis Zou, Lichuan

20 9 p. 1989-2002
12 Multitemporal relative landslide exposure and risk analysis for the sustainable development of rapidly growing cities Di Napoli, Mariano

20 9 p. 1781-1795
13 Numerical investigation of river blocking process of Gangda paleolandslide at the upstream reaches of the Jinsha River, Tibentan Plateau Bao, Yiding

20 9 p. 1865-1882
14 Physics-informed neural networks applied to catastrophic creeping landslides Moeineddin, Ahmad

20 9 p. 1853-1863
15 Prediction of the future landslide susceptibility scenario based on LULC and climate projections Tyagi, Ankit

20 9 p. 1837-1852
16 The age and potential causes of the giant Green Lake Landslide, Fiordland, New Zealand Eaves, Shaun R.

20 9 p. 1883-1892
17 Three-dimensional experimental investigation on hazard reduction of landslide-generated impulse waves in the Baihetan Reservoir, China Bolin, Huang

20 9 p. 2017-2028
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland