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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A study on the effect of rainfall and slope characteristics on landslide initiation by means of flume tests Cogan, Jacob

16 12 p. 2369-2379
2 Characteristics and failure mechanism of the 2018 Yanyuan landslide in Sichuan, China Zhu, Lei

16 12 p. 2433-2444
3 Early identification of river blocking induced by tributary debris flow based on dimensionless volume index Chen, Kun-Ting

16 12 p. 2335-2352
4 Estimation of soil moisture using modified antecedent precipitation index with application in landslide predictions Zhao, Binru

16 12 p. 2381-2393
5 Foreword by Prof. Taikan OKI of the United Nations University (UNU) for the Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides Oki, Taikan

16 12 p. 2299-2300
6 Geophysical features of shallow landslides induced by the 2015 Kanto-Tohoku heavy rain in Kanuma city, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan Okada, Yasuhiko

16 12 p. 2469-2483
7 How does a cluster of buildings affect landslide mobility: a case study of the Shenzhen landslide Luo, H. Y.

16 12 p. 2421-2431
8 ICL/IPL awards-call for nominations Bobrowsky, Peter

16 12 p. 2509-2510
9 Load-attenuation mechanisms of flexible barrier subjected to bouldery debris flow impact Song, D.

16 12 p. 2321-2334
10 Local structural and geomorphological controls on landsliding at the Leigu restraining bend of the Beichuan-Yingxiu fault system during the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake Yuan, Renmao

16 12 p. 2485-2498
11 Modelling rockfall impact with scarring in compactable soils Lu, Guang

16 12 p. 2353-2367
12 Numerical investigation of the air blast generated by the Wenjia valley rock avalanche in Mianzhu, Sichuan, China Zhuang, Yu

16 12 p. 2499-2508
13 Quantification of the uncertainty in the modelling of unstable slopes displaying marked soil heterogeneity Bossi, G.

16 12 p. 2409-2420
14 Successful early warning and emergency response of a disastrous rockslide in Guizhou province, China Fan, Xuanmei

16 12 p. 2445-2457
15 The 2016 Lamplugh rock avalanche, Alaska: deposit structures and emplacement dynamics Dufresne, A.

16 12 p. 2301-2319
16 The Mocoa Event on March 31 (2017): analysis of a series of mass movements in a tropical environment of the Andean-Amazonian Piedmont Prada-Sarmiento, Luis Felipe

16 12 p. 2459-2468
17 Towards establishing rainfall thresholds for a real-time landslide early warning system in Sikkim, India Harilal, Geethu Thottungal

16 12 p. 2395-2408
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland