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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A global re-detection method based on Siamese network in long-term visual tracking Hou, Zhiqiang

20 6 artikel
2 A novel algorithm for human action recognition in compressed domain using attention-guided approach Praveenkumar, S. M.

20 6 artikel
3 A real-time fall detection model based on BlazePose and improved ST-GCN Zhang, Yu

20 6 artikel
4 A real-time quality improvement method based on an adaptive dynamic screened Poisson equation for surveillance video in sand-dust weather Ni, Dongdong

20 6 artikel
5 CityUPlaces: a new dataset for efficient vision-based recognition Wu, Haowei

20 6 artikel
6 Efficient memory reuse methodology for CNN-based real-time image processing in mobile-embedded systems Zhao, Kairong

20 6 artikel
7 Fast detection of bag-breakups in pulsating and steady airflow using video analysis and deep learning Morita, Daiki

20 6 artikel
8 Frappe: fast fiducial detection on low cost hardware Jones, Simon

20 6 artikel
9 How to compute the convex hull of a binary shape? A real-time algorithm to compute the convex hull of a binary shape Fabrizio, Jonathan

20 6 artikel
10 Integrating Xilinx FPGA and intelligent techniques for improved precision in 3D brain tumor segmentation in medical imaging Gtifa, Wafa

20 6 artikel
11 Lightweight container code recognition based on multi-reuse feature fusion and multi-branch structure merger Yang, Dapeng

20 6 artikel
12 Lite-YOLOv3: a real-time object detector based on multi-scale slice depthwise convolution and lightweight attention mechanism Zhou, Yipeng

20 6 artikel
13 Local feature driven fuzzy local information C-means clustering with kernel metric for blurred and noisy image segmentation Wu, Chengmao

20 6 artikel
14 Low-cost system for real-time verification of personal protective equipment in industrial facilities using edge computing devices Lema, DarĂ­o G.

20 6 artikel
15 Performance analysis of optimized versatile video coding software decoders on embedded platforms Saha, Anup

20 6 artikel
16 Pse: mixed quantization framework of neural networks for efficient deployment Yang, Yingqing

20 6 artikel
17 Real-time online unsupervised domain adaptation for real-world person re-identification Neff, Christopher

20 6 artikel
18 Real-time power line segmentation detection based on multi-attention with strong semantic feature extractor Zhao, Qian

20 6 artikel
19 Research on coal gangue classification recognition method based on the combination of CNN and SVM Ruxin, Gao

20 6 artikel
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland