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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analytical Algorithm for Constructing the Orbital Orientation of a Spacecraft with an Incomplete Measurement of the State Vector Components Zubov, N. E.

58 6 p. 969-979
2 Artificial Intelligence Agents in the Knowledge Databases of Onboard Real-Time Advisory Expert Systems for the Typical Situations of the Functioning of an Anthropocentric Object Fedunov, B. E.

58 6 p. 932-944
3 Bringing an Insectomorphic Robot to a Normal Position from an Abnormal Upside Down Position Golubev, Yu. F.

58 6 p. 1018-1030
4 Decomposition Algorithm for the Linear Three-Index Transportation Problem Wang, L. P.

58 6 p. 883-888
5 Detection of Cylindrical and Spherical Surfaces and Determining Their Parameters in Segmentation of Range Images Lisitsyn, V. M.

58 6 p. 945-959
6 Diagnosis of Linear Systems Based on Sliding Mode Observers Zhirabok, A. N.

58 6 p. 898-914
7 Express Analysis and Aggregated Representation of the Set of Reachable Flows for a Multicommodity Network System Malashenko, Yu. E.

58 6 p. 889-897
8 Generalized Equivalence Set Method for Solving Multiobjective Optimization Problems Khachaturov, R. V.

58 6 p. 922-931
9 Implementation of the Orbital Orientation Mode of an Artificial Satellite of the Earth without Accumulation of the Angular Momentum of the Gyro System Ignatov, A. I.

58 6 p. 1004-1017
10 Motion Control for Platforms Bearing Elastic Links with Unknown Phase States Anan’evskii, I. M.

58 6 p. 844-851
11 Multistructural Method of the Triangulation Estimation of the Motion Parameters of a Radiating Target under A Priori Indefiniteness Assumptions Bulychev, Yu. G.

58 6 p. 852-868
12 Orientation Control of an Object on a Rotating Base by Using a Two-Stage Electric Drive Akulenko, L. D.

58 6 p. 829-843
13 Selecting a Single Result from an Aggregate of Contradictory Alternatives with Use of Multiset Theory Litovka, Yu. V.

58 6 p. 915-921
14 Synthesis of the Optimal Control of the Spacecraft Orientation Using Combined Criteria of Quality Levskii, M. V.

58 6 p. 980-1003
15 Technology for the Visual Inspection of Aircraft Surfaces Using Programmable Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Blokhinov, Yu. B.

58 6 p. 960-968
16 Two-Stage Algorithm for Estimation of Nonlinear Functions of State Vector in Linear Gaussian Continuous Dynamical Systems Choi, Won

58 6 p. 869-882
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland