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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Designing a shared freight service intelligence platform for transport stakeholders using mobile telematics Heinbach, Christoph

20 4 p. 847-888
2 Digital inclusion in social media marketing adoption: the role of product suitability in the agriculture sector Han, Honghua

20 4 p. 657-683
3 Enhancing workplace competence acquisition through a persuasive system Za, Stefano

20 4 p. 819-846
4 Exploring interoperability of distributed Ledger and Decentralized Technology adoption in virtual enterprises Bokolo, Anthony Jnr.

20 4 p. 685-718
5 Formal and relational governance of artificial intelligence outsourcing Beulen, Erik

20 4 p. 719-748
6 Grappling with modern technology: interruptions mediated by mobile devices impact older workers disproportionately Tams, Stefan

20 4 p. 635-655
7 Perspectives on management theory’s application in the internet of things research Hanafizadeh, Payam

20 4 p. 749-787
8 Special issue on digital inclusion Kumar, Ram

20 4 p. 631-634
9 Watch who you trust! A structured literature review to build a typology of e-government risks Distel, Bettina

20 4 p. 789-818
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland