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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accumulated Organic Carbon in the Sediments of Shallow Bights of the Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan Tishchenko, P. Ya.

60 10 p. 1005-1013
2 As-Bearing Phosphosiderite from Copiapo District, Atacama, Chile Gritsenko, Yu. D.

60 10 p. 1029-1036
3 Distribution and Composition of Suspended Particulate Matters at the Atmosphere–Water Boundary (South and Atlantic Oceans) Nemirovskaya, I. A.

60 10 p. 995-1004
4 Earthquake Precursors in the Ionic and Gas Composition of Groundwater: A Review of World Data Kopylova, G. N.

60 10 p. 928-946
5 Evaluation of the Standard Thermodynamic Functions of Hydrate Sulfates of Divalent Metals (Ca, Mn, Cd, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mg, Ni, Co, and Be) Rusal, O. S.

60 10 p. 981-994
6 Geochemical Studies of the Pleistocene Sediments of the Edge Shelf Zone of the East Siberian Sea and Arctic Ocean Gresov, A. I.

60 10 p. 965-980
7 Impact of Wastewaters from Apatite–Nepheline Production on the Biogeochemical Processes in an Arctic Mountain Lake Dauvalter, V. A.

60 10 p. 1014-1028
8 Isotope-Geochemical Features of the Migmatites of the Taratash Metamorphic Complex (Southern Urals) Somsikova, A. V.

60 10 p. 911-927
9 Stable Isotope Fractionations Involving Ca–Mg Carbonates: Evaluation of the β-Factors by the “Frozen Phonon” Method Krylov, D. P.

60 10 p. 947-964
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland