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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Actualization of teaching conceptions in lesson design: how teaching conceptions shape TPACK regarding spherical video-based virtual reality-supported writing instruction Chen, Mengyuan

71 6 p. 2321-2344
2 Associating spatial knowledge with concept maps to facilitate learning in digital gaming contexts Hwang, Gwo-Jen

71 6 p. 2221-2241
3 Automated assessment system for programming courses: a case study for teaching data structures and algorithms Barczak, Andre L. C.

71 6 p. 2365-2388
4 Computerized collaboration scripts and real-time intergroup competition for enhancing student collaboration and learning with multi-touch tabletop displays Chen, Cheng-Huan

71 6 p. 2297-2320
5 Constructivist gamification environment model designing framework to improve ill-structured problem solving in learning sciences Machmud, Muhammad Takwin

71 6 p. 2413-2429
6 Correction to: Actualization of teaching conceptions in lesson design: how teaching conceptions shape TPACK regarding spherical video-based virtual reality-supported writing instruction Chen, Mengyuan

71 6 p. 2539-2540
7 Design-based implementation research: milestones and trade-offs in designing a collaborative representation tool for engineering classrooms Jung, Jiyoon

71 6 p. 2457-2481
8 Facebook post data: a primer for educational research Borchers, Conrad

71 6 p. 2345-2364
9 Facilitating information literacy and intercultural competence development through the VR Tour production learning activity Shadiev, Rustam

71 6 p. 2507-2537
10 How do enhanced videos support generative learning and conceptual understanding in individuals and groups? Ruf, Alessia

71 6 p. 2243-2269
11 Knowledge-based chatbots: a scale measuring students’ learning experiences in massive open online courses Han, Songhee

71 6 p. 2431-2456
12 Learning during a pandemic: an Activity Theory analysis of the challenges experienced by Aotearoa/New Zealand university students Gedera, Dilani

71 6 p. 2271-2295
13 Learning technologies for adult literacy: a scoping review and analysis of the current state of evidence Moore, Stephanie L.

71 6 p. 2195-2219
14 Reorienting the assessment of digital literacy in the twenty-first century: a product-lifecycle and experience dependence perspective Wong, Gary Ka-Wai

71 6 p. 2389-2412
15 Understanding museum visitors’ question-asking through a mobile app Su, Man

71 6 p. 2483-2506
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland