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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Composition and structure of tropical intertidal hard coral communities on natural and man-made habitats Lee, Yen-ling

40 3 p. 685-700
2 Coral host physiology and symbiont dynamics associated with differential recovery from mass bleaching in an extreme, macro-tidal reef environment in northwest Australia Jung, E. Maria U.

40 3 p. 893-905
3 Coral microbiome changes over the day–night cycle Caughman, Alicia M.

40 3 p. 921-935
4 Correction to: Genetic differentiation in the mountainous star coral Orbicella faveolata around Cuba Ulmo-Díaz, Gabriela

40 3 p. 983-984
5 Cryopreservation of sperm from the brain coral Diploria labyrinthiformis as a strategy to face the loss of corals in the Caribbean Grosso-Becerra, M. V.

40 3 p. 937-950
6 Effects of social organization on the feeding of the striped parrotfish, Scarus iseri Feitosa, J. L. L.

40 3 p. 951-957
7 Environmental impact on the mechanical properties of Porites spp. corals Moynihan, Molly A.

40 3 p. 701-717
8 Linking population size structure, heat stress and bleaching responses in a subtropical endemic coral Lachs, Liam

40 3 p. 777-790
9 Mesophotic coral refuges following multiple disturbances Bloomberg, Jeanne

40 3 p. 821-834
10 Molecular detection and microbiome differentiation of two cryptic lineages of giant barrel sponges from Conch Reef, Florida Keys Evans, James S.

40 3 p. 853-865
11 Monthly progression rates of the coral-killing sponge Terpios hoshinota in Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan Aini, Siti N.

40 3 p. 973-981
12 Neighboring colonies influence uptake of thermotolerant endosymbionts in threatened Caribbean coral recruits Williamson, Olivia M.

40 3 p. 867-879
13 Nitrogen enrichment in macroalgae following mass coral mortality Vaughan, Eleanor J.

40 3 p. 767-776
14 Photosynthetically stimulated bioerosion in symbiotic sponges: the role of glycerol and oxygen Achlatis, Michelle

40 3 p. 881-891
15 Population dynamics and genotypic richness of threatened Acropora species and their hybrid in the U.S. Virgin Islands Nylander-Asplin, Hannah F.

40 3 p. 965-971
16 Population genomic structure of the black coral Antipathella subpinnata in Mediterranean Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems Terzin, Marko

40 3 p. 751-766
17 Responses of benthic habitat and fish to severe tropical cyclone Winston in Fiji Price, Brae A.

40 3 p. 807-819
18 Seasonal variation in the lipidome of two species of Millepora hydrocorals from Vietnam coastal waters (the South China Sea) Imbs, Andrey B.

40 3 p. 719-734
19 Structure-from-Motion on shallow reefs and beaches: potential and limitations of consumer-grade drones to reconstruct topography and bathymetry David, C. Gabriel

40 3 p. 835-851
20 Symbiodiniaceae conduct under natural bleaching stress during advanced gametogenesis stages of a mesophotic coral Eyal, Gal

40 3 p. 959-964
21 The importance of biophysical context in understanding marine protected area outcomes for coral reef fish populations Fidler, Robert Y.

40 3 p. 791-805
22 Trait-based approach reveals how marginal reefs respond to acute and chronic disturbance Sommer, B.

40 3 p. 735-749
23 Upper-mesophotic and shallow reef corals exhibit similar thermal tolerance, sensitivity and optima Gould, Katelyn

40 3 p. 907-920
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland