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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analytical investigation of the finite viscoelastic model proposed by Simo: critical review and a suggested modification Yagimli, Bülent

36 2 p. 369-390
2 Characterization of crystallization kinetics in Polyamide 6 with a focus on modeling the thermoforming process: experiments, modeling, simulations Kulkarni, Sameer

36 2 p. 415-431
3 Dependence on strain rate of the glass and ductile-to-brittle transition temperatures of an ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene used at cryogenic temperature Odou, Nathan

36 2 p. 391-413
4 Effect of amount of soy protein on properties of elastomeric blends Labaj, Ivan

36 2 p. 245-259
5 Environmental degradation of foamed geopolymers Korniejenko, Kinga

36 2 p. 317-331
6 Oxidative ageing of elastomers: experiment and modelling Zaghdoudi, M.

36 2 p. 289-297
7 Preface Johlitz, Michael

36 2 p. 243
8 Stress relaxation behavior of isotropic and anisotropic magnetorheological elastomers Nam, Tran Huu

36 2 p. 299-315
9 Thermal analysis and shrinkage characterization of the photopolymers for DLP additive manufacturing processes Sekmen, Kubra

36 2 p. 351-368
10 Viscoelastic behavior of filled silicone elastomers and influence of aging in inert and hermetic environment Avila Torrado, Martin

36 2 p. 333-350
11 Water in polyurethane networks: physical and chemical ageing effects and mechanical parameters Possart, Wulff

36 2 p. 261-287
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland