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                             34 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Carboplatin-induced upregulation of pan β-tubulin and class III β-tubulin is implicated in acquired resistance and cross-resistance of ovarian cancer Pernar Kovač, Margareta

80 10 artikel
2 Correction: Catalytic antibodies in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy patients cleave desmoglein 2 and N-cadherin and impair cardiomyocyte cohesion Yeruva, Sunil

80 10 artikel
3 Correction: Comparative study of PRPH2 D2 loop mutants reveals divergent disease mechanism in rods and cones Ikelle, Larissa

80 10 artikel
4 Critical functions of extracellular matrix in brain metastasis seeding Yuzhalin, Arseniy E.

80 10 artikel
5 Cyclin D1—Cdk4 regulates neuronal activity through phosphorylation of GABAA receptors Pedraza, Neus

80 10 artikel
6 Energetics and dynamics of the proton shuttle of carbonic anhydrase II Raum, Heiner N.

80 10 artikel
7 FKBP5 deficiency attenuates calcium oxalate kidney stone formation by suppressing cell–crystal adhesion, apoptosis and macrophage M1 polarization via inhibition of NF-κB signaling Song, Qianlin

80 10 artikel
8 Functions of the RIP kinase family members in the skin Urwyler-Rösselet, Corinne

80 10 artikel
9 Galectin-9 interacts with Vamp-3 to regulate cytokine secretion in dendritic cells Santalla Méndez, Rui

80 10 artikel
10 Human CD34+-derived complete plasmacytoid and conventional dendritic cell vaccine effectively induces antigen-specific CD8+ T cell and NK cell responses in vitro and in vivo van Eck van der Sluijs, Jesper

80 10 artikel
11 Identification of sodium channel toxins from marine cone snails of the subgenera Textilia and Afonsoconus McMahon, Kirsten L.

80 10 artikel
12 Intracellular FGF1 protects cells from apoptosis through direct interaction with p53 Lampart, Agata

80 10 artikel
13 Loss of ORP3 induces aneuploidy and promotes bladder cancer cell invasion through deregulated microtubule and actin dynamics Wang, Xue

80 10 artikel
14 Mammalian esophageal stratified tissue homeostasis is maintained distinctively by the epithelial pluripotent p63+Sox2+ and p63−Sox2+ cell populations Yu, Xiaohong

80 10 artikel
15 Metabolic and cell cycle shift induced by the deletion of Dnm1l attenuates the dissolution of pluripotency in mouse embryonic stem cells Seo, Bong Jong

80 10 artikel
16 Metformin induces tolerogenicity of dendritic cells by promoting metabolic reprogramming Liu, Xianmei

80 10 artikel
17 N4-acetylcytidine of Nop2 mRNA is required for the transition of morula-to-blastocyst Wang, Mengyun

80 10 artikel
18 Omentin-1 induces mechanically activated fibroblasts lipogenic differentiation through pkm2/yap/pparγ pathway to promote lung fibrosis resolution Zhang, Yunna

80 10 artikel
19 Oral administration of S-nitroso-l-glutathione (GSNO) provides anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective effects during ocular bacterial infections Das, Susmita

80 10 artikel
20 Plant-derived cell-penetrating microprotein α-astratide aM1 targets Akt signaling and alleviates insulin resistance Dutta, Bamaprasad

80 10 artikel
21 Real-time heterogeneity of supramolecular assembly of amyloid precursor protein is modulated by an endocytic risk factor PICALM Belapurkar, Vivek

80 10 artikel
22 Reciprocal negative feedback regulation of ATF6α and PTEN promotes prostate cancer progression Feng, Tingting

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23 Revolutionizing control strategies against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection through selected targeting of lipid metabolism Kim, Hagyu

80 10 artikel
24 Selective removal of misfolded SOD1 delays disease onset in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Guan, Teng

80 10 artikel
25 Stem cell antigen-1+cell-derived fibroblasts are crucial for cardiac fibrosis during heart failure Tao, Tingting

80 10 artikel
26 Synapses do not facilitate prion-like transfer of alpha-synuclein: a quantitative study in reconstructed unidirectional neural networks Courte, Josquin

80 10 artikel
27 TGFβ signaling links early life endocrine-disrupting chemicals exposure to suppression of nucleotide excision repair in rat myometrial stem cells Bariani, Maria Victoria

80 10 artikel
28 The origin of brain malignancies at the blood–brain barrier McDonald, Brennan

80 10 artikel
29 The osteogenic and mineralogenic potential of the microalgae Skeletonema costatum and Tetraselmis striata CTP4 in fish models Carletti, Alessio

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30 The proper interplay between the expression of Spo11 splice isoforms and the structure of the pseudoautosomal region promotes XY chromosomes recombination Giannattasio, Teresa

80 10 artikel
31 The ubiquitin specific protease 7 stabilizes HPV16E7 to promote HPV-mediated carcinogenesis Xia, Chichao

80 10 artikel
32 TrkB inhibition of DJ-1 degradation promotes the growth and maintenance of cancer stem cell characteristics in hepatocellular carcinoma Kim, Min Soo

80 10 artikel
33 Upregulation of HDAC9 in hippocampal neurons mediates depression-like behaviours by inhibiting ANXA2 degradation Dai, Yunjian

80 10 artikel
34 Why are neuromelanin-containing dopaminergic neurons lost in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease? Huenchuguala, Sandro

80 10 artikel
                             34 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland