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                             31 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adipose tissue: a neglected organ in the response to severe trauma? Wrba, Lisa

79 4 artikel
2 Aβ/tau oligomer interplay at human synapses supports shifting therapeutic targets for Alzheimer’s disease Marcatti, Michela

79 4 artikel
3 CEBPβ regulation of endogenous IGF-1 in adult sensory neurons can be mobilized to overcome diabetes-induced deficits in bioenergetics and axonal outgrowth Aghanoori, Mohamad-Reza

79 4 artikel
4 Controlling absence seizures from the cerebellar nuclei via activation of the Gq signaling pathway Schwitalla, Jan Claudius

79 4 artikel
5 Correction to: O2 permeability of lipid bilayers is low, but increases with membrane cholesterol Al-Samir, Samer

79 4 artikel
6 Cytochrome P450 CYP709C56 metabolizing mesosulfuron-methyl confers herbicide resistance in Alopecurus aequalis Zhao, Ning

79 4 artikel
7 Dusp26 phosphatase regulates mitochondrial respiration and oxidative stress and protects neuronal cell death Eroglu, Binnur

79 4 artikel
8 ER-mitochondria communication is involved in NLRP3 inflammasome activation under stress conditions in the innate immune system Pereira, Ana Catarina

79 4 artikel
9 Essential role of a conserved aspartate for the enzymatic activity of plasmanylethanolamine desaturase Werner, Ernst R.

79 4 artikel
10 Fibrotic activity quantified in serum by measurements of type III collagen pro-peptides can be used for prognosis across different solid tumor types Willumsen, Nicholas

79 4 artikel
11 Fine-tuning of epithelial taste bud organoid to promote functional recapitulation of taste reactivity Adpaikar, Anish Ashok

79 4 artikel
12 Flow cytometry based-FRET: basics, novel developments and future perspectives Lim, JiaWen

79 4 artikel
13 Functions of ADP-ribose transferases in the maintenance of telomere integrity Muoio, Daniela

79 4 artikel
14 GRASP depletion-mediated Golgi fragmentation impairs glycosaminoglycan synthesis, sulfation, and secretion Ahat, Erpan

79 4 artikel
15 Impact of phospholipase C β1 in glioblastoma: a study on the main mechanisms of tumor aggressiveness Ratti, Stefano

79 4 artikel
16 Inflammation and neutrophil extracellular traps in cerebral cavernous malformation Yau, Anthony C. Y.

79 4 artikel
17 Inhibition of colony stimulating factor-1 receptor (CSF-1R) as a potential therapeutic strategy for neurodegenerative diseases: opportunities and challenges Han, Jinming

79 4 artikel
18 Initiation and progression of α-synuclein pathology in Parkinson’s disease Tofaris, George K.

79 4 artikel
19 Intrinsic disorder in proteins associated with oxidative stress-induced JNK signaling Gehi, Bhuvaneshwari R.

79 4 artikel
20 Iron overload in alcoholic liver disease: underlying mechanisms, detrimental effects, and potential therapeutic targets Li, Long-Xia

79 4 artikel
21 MDC1 is essential for G2/M transition and spindle assembly in mouse oocytes Leem, Jiyeon

79 4 artikel
22 miRNA-guided reprogramming of glucose and glutamine metabolism and its impact on cell adhesion/migration during solid tumor progression Quirico, Lorena

79 4 artikel
23 miR-155 regulates physiological angiogenesis but an miR-155-rich microenvironment disrupts the process by promoting unproductive endothelial sprouting Dong, Yuechao

79 4 artikel
24 Molecular regulation of hematopoietic stem cell quiescence Chen, Zhe

79 4 artikel
25 PCSK9 acts as a key regulator of Aβ clearance across the blood–brain barrier Mazura, Alexander D.

79 4 artikel
26 Protrudin regulates FAK activation, endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis Arora, Amita

79 4 artikel
27 Selective cleavage of ncRNA and antiviral activity by RNase2/EDN in THP1-induced macrophages Lu, Lu

79 4 artikel
28 Targeting the E1 ubiquitin-activating enzyme (UBA1) improves elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor efficacy towards F508del and rare misfolded CFTR mutants Borgo, Christian

79 4 artikel
29 Th17 cells and their related cytokines: vital players in progression of malignant pleural effusion Niu, Yiran

79 4 artikel
30 The functional multipotency of transforming growth factor β signaling at the intersection of senescence and cancer Mikuła-Pietrasik, Justyna

79 4 artikel
31 The impact of the gut microbiota on T cell ontogeny in the thymus Hebbandi Nanjundappa, Roopa

79 4 artikel
                             31 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland