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                             30 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A dominant negative mutation uncovers cooperative control of caudal Wolffian duct development by Sprouty genes Altés, Gisela

79 10 artikel
2 A single-cell transcriptomic atlas of the human ciliary body Lou, Bingsheng

79 10 artikel
3 Atypical induction of HIF-1α expression by pericellular Notch1 signaling suffices for the malignancy of glioblastoma multiforme cells Lee, Jungwhoi

79 10 artikel
4 BMSCs overexpressed ISL1 reduces the apoptosis of islet cells through ANLN carrying exosome, INHBA, and caffeine Wang, Ying

79 10 artikel
5 CAPRIN1P512L causes aberrant protein aggregation and associates with early-onset ataxia Delle Vedove, Andrea

79 10 artikel
6 Cytoophidia coupling adipose architecture and metabolism Liu, Jingnan

79 10 artikel
7 Deficiency of the Src homology phosphatase 2 in podocytes is associated with renoprotective effects in mice under hyperglycemia Hsu, Ming-Fo

79 10 artikel
8 Heterocomplexes between the atypical chemokine MIF and the CXC-motif chemokine CXCL4L1 regulate inflammation and thrombus formation Brandhofer, Markus

79 10 artikel
9 L-glutamate requires β-catenin signalling through Frizzled7 to stimulate porcine intestinal stem cell expansion Qin, Ying-chao

79 10 artikel
10 Long-term osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow stromal cells in simulated microgravity: novel proteins sighted Montagna, Giulia

79 10 artikel
11 Melatonin relieves hepatic lipid dysmetabolism caused by aging via modifying the secondary bile acid pattern of gut microbes Wei, Dongqin

79 10 artikel
12 Metabolic reprogramming in the OPA1-deficient cells Dai, Wenting

79 10 artikel
13 Novel lectin-based chimeric antigen receptors target Gb3-positive tumour cells Meléndez, Ana Valeria

79 10 artikel
14 Perilipin-2 limits remyelination by preventing lipid droplet degradation Loix, Melanie

79 10 artikel
15 Pharmacological chaperone-rescued cystic fibrosis CFTR-F508del mutant overcomes PRAF2-gated access to endoplasmic reticulum exit sites Saha, Kusumika

79 10 artikel
16 PHLDA1 promotes glioblastoma cell growth via sustaining the activation state of Ras Wang, Jiutao

79 10 artikel
17 p73 is required for vessel integrity controlling endothelial junctional dynamics through Angiomotin Maeso-Alonso, Laura

79 10 artikel
18 Potent anticancer activity of a novel iridium metallodrug via oncosis Ortega-Forte, Enrique

79 10 artikel
19 Regulatory T cells in rheumatoid arthritis: functions, development, regulation, and therapeutic potential Yan, Shuaifeng

79 10 artikel
20 Single cell analysis of PANoptosome cell death complexes through an expansion microscopy method Wang, Yaqiu

79 10 artikel
21 SOX9 in organogenesis: shared and unique transcriptional functions Ming, Zhenhua

79 10 artikel
22 The beta subunit of AMP-activated protein kinase is critical for cell cycle progression and parasite development in Toxoplasma gondii Yang, Jichao

79 10 artikel
23 The ERK5/NF-κB signaling pathway targets endometrial cancer proliferation and survival Diéguez-Martínez, Nora

79 10 artikel
24 The heterogeneity of microglial activation and its epigenetic and non-coding RNA regulations in the immunopathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases Li, Chaoyi

79 10 artikel
25 The multiple facets of mitochondrial regulations controlling cellular thermogenesis Beignon, Florian

79 10 artikel
26 The present and future of immunocytokines for cancer treatment Gout, Dennis Y.

79 10 artikel
27 The P2Y11 receptor of human M2 macrophages activates canonical and IL-1 receptor signaling to translate the extracellular danger signal ATP into anti-inflammatory and pro-angiogenic responses Klaver, Dominik

79 10 artikel
28 Therapeutic effects of peptide P140 in a mouse periodontitis model Akiyama, Kentaro

79 10 artikel
29 The rs1001179 SNP and CpG methylation regulate catalase expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia Galasso, Marilisa

79 10 artikel
30 Tribute to Klaus Eichmann, Editor-in-Chief of Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences Thomas, Jean-Leon

79 10 artikel
                             30 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland