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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Assessing decisional conflict and challenges in decision-making among perinatal women using or considering using antidepressants during pregnancy—a mixed-methods study Tauqeer, Fatima

26 5 p. 669-683
2 Association between maternity leave policies and postpartum depression: a systematic review Hidalgo-Padilla, Liliana

26 5 p. 571-580
3 Barriers to sexual health-seeking behaviors for Chinese women Luo, Lan

26 5 p. 581-588
4 Changes in mental health symptoms and sociocultural factors across the COVID-19 pandemic in mothers of Mexican descent D’Anna-Hernandez, Kimberly

26 5 p. 625-637
5 Common mental disorders in Brazilian female shift workers: prevalence and associated factors Lucca, Jessica Kraemer

26 5 p. 599-607
6 Comparing the factor structures and reliabilities of the EPDS and the PHQ-9 for screening antepartum and postpartum depression: a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis Stefana, Alberto

26 5 p. 659-668
7 Ethnic identity and barriers for using mental health services among Arab-Bedouin women coping with emotional distresses Dvir, Matzri

26 5 p. 609-624
8 Gender and addiction and other mental disorders comorbidity: sociodemographic, clinical, and treatment differences Fernández, Silvia Díaz

26 5 p. 639-650
9 Maternal prenatal attachment during the COVID-19 pandemic: exploring the roles of pregnancy-related anxiety, risk perception, and well-being Akdağ, Berhan

26 5 p. 651-658
10 Mental health issues following sexual assault among the flood-affected women of Pakistan Azhar, Ayesha

26 5 p. 717-718
11 Microsocial analysis of dyadic interactions with toddlers and mothers with borderline personality disorder Schneider, Isabella

26 5 p. 589-597
12 Parental bonding style and illness severity in a longitudinal study of individuals with first episode psychosis Pollard, Rebecca

26 5 p. 707-711
13 Switching pattern and dose adjustment of antidepressants before and during pregnancy Robiyanto, Robiyanto

26 5 p. 685-696
14 The association between depression during perimenopause and progression of chronic conditions and multimorbidity: results from a Chinese prospective cohort Ye, Bingqi

26 5 p. 697-705
15 Tocophobia: a nosological quagmire Sharma, Verinder

26 5 p. 713-715
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland