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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A 1-week sleep and light intervention improves mood in premenstrual dysphoric disorder in association with shifting melatonin offset time earlier Parry, Barbara L.

26 1 p. 29-37
2 Black fathers’ contributions to maternal mental health Walsh, Tova B.

26 1 p. 117-126
3 Caregiving and mental health needs in the significant others of women receiving inpatient and home treatment for acute severe postpartum mental illness Atmore, Katie H.

26 1 p. 49-56
4 Endorsement of a single-item measure of sleep disturbance during pregnancy and risk for postpartum depression: a retrospective cohort study Felder, Jennifer N.

26 1 p. 67-74
5 Exposure to psychotropic drugs before and during pregnancy: what has changed over the last two decades? Robiyanto, Robiyanto

26 1 p. 39-48
6 Family treatment for postpartum depression: acceptability, feasibility, and preliminary clinical outcomes Battle, Cynthia L.

26 1 p. 127-134
7 Fathers as assets to support maternal mental health and family wellbeing Fisher, Sheehan D.

26 1 p. 87-88
8 Maternal childhood adversity and prenatal depression: the protective role of father support Fields, Kristin

26 1 p. 89-97
9 Mental health as a family experience: Relationship of paternal characteristics with maternal perinatal depressive symptoms in a matched sample Simon, Clarissa D.

26 1 p. 135-139
10 The association between paternal childcare involvement and postpartum depression and anxiety among Chinese women—a path model analysis Zhang, Xiaoying

26 1 p. 99-106
11 The effects of khat use during pregnancy on perinatal and maternal outcomes: a meta-analysis Yitayih, Yimenu

26 1 p. 11-27
12 The literature on puerperal and menstrual psychoses Brockington, Ian

26 1 p. 79
13 The psychological aftermath of an emerging infection affecting pregnant women: is monkeypox to blame? Ennab, Farah

26 1 p. 75-77
14 The risk of depressive and anxiety symptoms in women with premature ovarian insufficiency: a systematic review and meta-analysis Xi, Dan

26 1 p. 1-10
15 The social predictors of paternal antenatal mental health and their associations with maternal mental health in the Queensland Family Cohort prospective study Dixson, Barnaby J. W.

26 1 p. 107-116
16 9th World Congress on Women’s Mental Health (6–9th November 2022; Maastricht, the Netherlands)
26 1 p. 81-85
17 Twin pregnancy and severe maternal mental illness: a Canadian population-based cohort study Lapinsky, Stephanie C.

26 1 p. 57-66
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland