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                             29 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Achieving fairness with a simple ridge penalty Scutari, Marco

32 5 artikel
2 Adaptive random neighbourhood informed Markov chain Monte Carlo for high-dimensional Bayesian variable selection Liang, Xitong

32 5 artikel
3 A Joint estimation approach to sparse additive ordinary differential equations Zhang, Nan

32 5 artikel
4 A joint latent factor analyzer and functional subspace model for clustering multivariate functional data Sharp, Alex

32 5 artikel
5 A non-stationary model for spatially dependent circular response data based on wrapped Gaussian processes Marques, Isa

32 5 artikel
6 Approximate Laplace importance sampling for the estimation of expected Shannon information gain in high-dimensional Bayesian design for nonlinear models Englezou, Yiolanda

32 5 artikel
7 A random persistence diagram generator Papamarkou, Theodore

32 5 artikel
8 Automatic differentiation of Box-Cox transformations with application to random effects models for continuous non-normal response Stringer, Alex

32 5 artikel
9 Comparing unconstrained parametrization methods for return covariance matrix prediction Bucci, Andrea

32 5 artikel
10 Computing marginal likelihoods via the Fourier integral theorem and pointwise estimation of posterior densities Rotiroti, Frank

32 5 artikel
11 Convergence rate bounds for iterative random functions using one-shot coupling Sixta, Sabrina

32 5 artikel
12 Default risk prediction and feature extraction using a penalized deep neural network Lin, Cunjie

32 5 artikel
13 Density deconvolution under a k-monotonicity constraint Chee, Chew-Seng

32 5 artikel
14 Efficient reduced-rank methods for Gaussian processes with eigenfunction expansions Greengard, Philip

32 5 artikel
15 Exact simulation of normal tempered stable processes of OU type with applications Sabino, Piergiacomo

32 5 artikel
16 Generating directed networks with predetermined assortativity measures Wang, Tiandong

32 5 artikel
17 Geometry-informed irreversible perturbations for accelerated convergence of Langevin dynamics Zhang, Benjamin J.

32 5 artikel
18 Improving bridge estimators via f-GAN Xing, Hanwen

32 5 artikel
19 Kryging: geostatistical analysis of large-scale datasets using Krylov subspace methods Majumder, Suman

32 5 artikel
20 Mixture of multivariate Gaussian processes for classification of irregularly sampled satellite image time-series Constantin, Alexandre

32 5 artikel
21 Optimal designs for dose-escalation trials and individual allocations in cohorts Duarte, Belmiro P. M.

32 5 artikel
22 Proximal nested sampling for high-dimensional Bayesian model selection Cai, Xiaohao

32 5 artikel
23 Quantile regression feature selection and estimation with grouped variables using Huber approximation Sherwood, Ben

32 5 artikel
24 Sequential sampling of junction trees for decomposable graphs Olsson, Jimmy

32 5 artikel
25 Spatially relaxed inference on high-dimensional linear models Chevalier, Jérôme-Alexis

32 5 artikel
26 Split Hamiltonian Monte Carlo revisited Casas, Fernando

32 5 artikel
27 Statistic selection and MCMC for differentially private Bayesian estimation Alparslan, Barış

32 5 artikel
28 Summary statistics and discrepancy measures for approximate Bayesian computation via surrogate posteriors Forbes, Florence

32 5 artikel
29 Variational inference and sparsity in high-dimensional deep Gaussian mixture models Kock, Lucas

32 5 artikel
                             29 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland