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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Achievement and beliefs outcomes of students with high and low expectation teachers Rubie-Davies, Christine

23 5 p. 1173-1201
2 Always look on the bright side of students: does valence of teacher perceptions relate to students’ educational performance? Tandler, Nancy

23 5 p. 1121-1147
3 Attachment style and self-handicapping: the mediating role of the imposter phenomenon Jensen, Laura E.

23 5 p. 1259-1276
4 Cell phones and grades: examining mediation by perceived control and anxiety Krylova, Masha V.

23 5 p. 1277-1301
5 Does classroom social comparison bias students’ evaluation of their own competence? Boissicat, Natacha

23 5 p. 1303-1326
6 Does integration play a role? Academic self-concepts, self-esteem, and self-perceptions of social integration of elementary school children in inclusive and mainstream classes Lohbeck, Annette

23 5 p. 1367-1384
7 Examining the effectiveness of brief interventions to strengthen a positive implicit relation between women and STEM across two timepoints Farrell, Lynn

23 5 p. 1203-1231
8 Has the ship sailed? The causes and consequences of school dropout from an ecological viewpoint Koc, Muharrem

23 5 p. 1149-1171
9 Perceived discrimination and educational attainment for U.S. Black adults: the influence of Black racial identity Berwise, Clifton A.

23 5 p. 1385-1406
10 Reducing the effects of the stereotype threat that girls perform less well than boys in mathematics: the efficacy of a mixed debate in a real classroom situation Vallée, Boris

23 5 p. 1327-1341
11 Self-efficacy for instructional leadership: relations with perceived job demands and job resources, emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, and motivation to quit Skaalvik, Cecilie

23 5 p. 1343-1366
12 Teaching scared: pre-service teacher appraisals of racial stress, socialization and classroom management self-efficacy Bentley-Edwards, Keisha L.

23 5 p. 1233-1257
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland