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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Agronomic effectiveness of urea deep placement technology for upland maize production Agyin-Birikorang, Sampson

116 2 p. 179-193
2 Corn intercropped with tropical perennial grasses as affected by sidedress nitrogen application rates Mateus, G. P.

116 2 p. 223-244
3 Green manure application accelerates soil organic carbon stock loss under plastic film mulching Hwang, Hyun Young

116 2 p. 257-269
4 Perennial cover crop influences on soil C and N and maize productivity Banik, Chumki

116 2 p. 135-150
5 Relay and sequential cropping corn with winter oilseed crops in northern climates Liu, Ronghao

116 2 p. 195-203
6 Soil carbon simulation confounded by different pool initialisation Lee, Juhwan

116 2 p. 245-255
7 Soil fertility and nutrients mediate soil carbon dynamics following residue incorporation Coonan, Elizabeth C.

116 2 p. 205-221
8 Soil phosphorus pools with addition of fertiliser phosphorus in a long-term grazing experiment McLaren, Timothy I.

116 2 p. 151-164
9 Yield and nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat with different soil fertility Lu, Xiaosong

116 2 p. 165-177
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland