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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Boys do not cry: the negative effects of brand masculinity on brand emotions Boeuf, Benjamin

31 2-3 p. 247-264
2 Customers’ emotions in service failure and recovery: a meta-analysis Valentini, Sara

31 2-3 p. 199-216
3 Effects of firm-, industry-, and country-level innovation on firm performance Zhang, Yufei

31 2-3 p. 231-245
4 Introduction Lehmann, Don

31 2-3 p. 121
5 Like, Comment, or Share? Self-presentation vs. brand relationships as drivers of social media engagement choices Swani, Kunal

31 2-3 p. 279-298
6 Reflections Johar, Gita Venkataramani

31 2-3 p. 123-124
7 Technical nomenclature, everyday language, and consumer inference Wu, Ruomeng

31 2-3 p. 299-310
8 The past, present, and future of brand research Oh, Travis Tae

31 2-3 p. 151-162
9 The past, present, and future of consumer research Malter, Maayan S.

31 2-3 p. 137-149
10 The past, present, and future of customer management Oblander, Elliot Shin

31 2-3 p. 125-136
11 The past, present, and future of innovation research Lee, Byung Cheol

31 2-3 p. 187-198
12 The past, present, and future of marketing strategy Sozuer, Sibel

31 2-3 p. 163-174
13 The past, present, and future of measurement and methods in marketing analysis Ding, Yu

31 2-3 p. 175-186
14 Timing of apology after service failure: the moderating role of future interaction expectation on customer satisfaction Min, Kyeong Sam

31 2-3 p. 217-230
15 Touch vs. click: how computer interfaces polarize consumers’ evaluations Wang, Xiaoyu

31 2-3 p. 265-277
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland