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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A consilience-driven approach to land use history in relation to reconstructing forest land use legacies Mensing, Scott

35 12 p. 2645-2658
2 Assessing the landscape visual quality of Shar Planina, North Macedonia Jovanovska, Daniela

35 12 p. 2805-2823
3 Contrasting land use legacy effects on forest landscape dynamics in the Italian Alps and the Apennines Garbarino, Matteo

35 12 p. 2679-2694
4 Contrasting time-scale effects of land-use legacy on species richness, diversity and composition in Mediterranean scrubland communities Gamboa-Badilla, Nancy

35 12 p. 2745-2757
5 Environmental correlates of richness, community composition, and functional traits of terrestrial birds and mammals in a fragmented tropical landscape Cook, Rachel N.

35 12 p. 2825-2841
6 Grassland fragmentation affects declining tallgrass prairie birds most where large amounts of grassland remain Herse, Mark R.

35 12 p. 2791-2804
7 Landscape structure as a mediator of ecosystem service interactions Rieb, Jesse T.

35 12 p. 2863-2880
8 Land-use legacies and forest change Garbarino, Matteo

35 12 p. 2641-2644
9 Land-use legacies of twentieth-century forestry in the UK: a perspective Raum, Susanne

35 12 p. 2713-2722
10 Modelling historical landscape changes Ridding, Lucy E.

35 12 p. 2695-2712
11 Paleoecological and paleolandscape modeling support for pre-Columbian burning by Native Americans in the Golden Trout Wilderness Area, California, USA Klimaszewski-Patterson, Anna

35 12 p. 2659-2678
12 Quantifying linkages between watershed factors and coastal wetland plant invasion in the US Great Lakes Hannah, Bailey Ann

35 12 p. 2843-2861
13 Spatial patterns of nineteenth century fire severity persist after fire exclusion and a twenty-first century wildfire in a mixed conifer forest landscape, Southern Cascades, USA Taylor, Alan H.

35 12 p. 2777-2790
14 Surrounding landscape structures, rather than habitat age, drive genetic variation of typical calcareous grassland plant species Lehmair, Theresa Anna

35 12 p. 2881-2893
15 The importance of land-use legacies for modeling present-day species distributions Chen, Xin

35 12 p. 2759-2775
16 The influence of land abandonment on forest disturbance regimes: a global review Mantero, Giulia

35 12 p. 2723-2744
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland