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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Allelopathic interaction among rocky intertidal invertebrates: sponge Cinachyrella cf. cavernosa and Zooxanthellate zoanthids Zoanthus sansibaricus Singh, Anshika

848 19 p. 4647-4659
2 Allelopathic interactions between phytoplankton species alter toxin production, oxidative response, and nitrogen fixation Chia, Mathias Ahii

848 19 p. 4623-4635
3 A matter of suborder: are Zygoptera and Anisoptera larvae influenced by riparian vegetation in Neotropical Savanna streams? Silva, Larissa F. R.

848 19 p. 4433-4443
4 Annual cycle dampening and decrease in predictability of water level fluctuations in a dam-regulated Neotropical floodplain Zanon, Jaques Everton

848 19 p. 4477-4491
5 Are toxic effects of alien species affected by their prey? Evaluation by bioassay with captive-bred toad embryos and a vulnerable predator Okamiya, Hisanori

848 19 p. 4445-4452
6 Bivalve Mya arenaria L. as a model object in demecology: dynamics of bed structure, mortality and growth in the Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea Gerasimova, Alexandra V.

848 19 p. 4511-4533
7 Effects of habitat complexity on giant water bug (Belostoma) functional response to rams-horn snail prey (Helisoma) Gunn, Joe C.

848 19 p. 4585-4597
8 Effects of temperature and a manipulative parasite on the swimming behaviour of Gammarus pulex in flowing water Fanton, Hadrien

848 19 p. 4467-4476
9 Fish assemblages and water quality in pampean streams (Argentina) along an urbanization gradient Paredes del Puerto, Juan Martín

848 19 p. 4493-4510
10 Genetic and morphological differentiation in the green swordtail fish, Xiphophorus hellerii: the influence of geographic and environmental factors Rocamontes-Morales, Jesús Antonio

848 19 p. 4599-4622
11 High-discharge disturbance does not alter the seasonal trajectory of nutrient uptake in a montane stream Balik, Jared A.

848 19 p. 4535-4550
12 Invasion at the population level: a story of the freshwater snails Gyraulus parvus and G. laevis Lorencová, Erika

848 19 p. 4661-4671
13 Long-term trends in CPUE and relative weight of six fish species in the Wabash River, USA, prior to and following silver carp invasion Shields, Robert

848 19 p. 4453-4465
14 Macrophyte meadows mediate the response of the sediment microbial community to ultraviolet radiation Puche, Eric

848 19 p. 4569-4583
15 Temperature and prey morphology influence attack rate and handling time in a predator–prey interaction Robertson, Miles L.

848 19 p. 4637-4646
16 Use of artificial-substrate samplers to identify relations between periphytic diatom community composition and hydro-limnological conditions in shallow lakes of Old Crow Flats, Yukon Territory (Canada) Mohammed, Wathiq J.

848 19 p. 4551-4567
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland