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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Changing yields in the Central United States under climate and technological change Burchfield, Emily

159 3 p. 329-346
2 Climate change adaptation strategies of small-scale farmers in Ngamiland East, Botswana Mogomotsi, Patricia K.

159 3 p. 441-460
3 Climate change adaptation strategies, productivity and sustainable food security in southern Mali Diallo, Aboubacar

159 3 p. 309-327
4 Climate change and variability: empirical evidence for countries and agroecological zones of the Sahel Yobom, Oudah

159 3 p. 365-384
5 Future risk of frost on apple trees in Japan Masaki, Yoshimitsu

159 3 p. 407-422
6 Has historic climate change affected the spatial distribution of water-limited wheat yield across Western Australia? Fletcher, Andrew L.

159 3 p. 347-364
7 Long-run trend in agricultural yield and climatic factors in Europe Agnolucci, Paolo

159 3 p. 385-405
8 Potential impacts of climate change factors and agronomic adaptation strategies on wheat yields in central highlands of Ethiopia Araya, A.

159 3 p. 461-479
9 Prospects of decreasing winter chill for deciduous fruit production in Chile throughout the 21st century Fernandez, Eduardo

159 3 p. 423-439
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland