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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A kaolin/calcium incorporated shape memory and antimicrobial chitosan-dextran based cryogel as an efficient haemostatic dressing for uncontrolled hemorrhagic wounds Andrabi, Syed Muntazir

150 C p.
2 Albumin nanostructure assisted ABZ anti-parasite immune therapy for T. spiralis muscle infection Qiao, Weidong

150 C p.
3 A review on antimicrobial mechanism and applications of graphene-based materials Shankar, Krishna

150 C p.
4 Assessment of antibacterial properties and skin irritation potential of anodized aluminum impregnated with various quaternary ammonium Jann, Jessica

150 C p.
5 Bilayered skin substitute incorporating rutin nanoparticles for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fibrotic effect Saha, Rituparna

150 C p.
6 3D bioprinted functional skeletal muscle models have potential applications for studies of muscle wasting in cancer cachexia García-Lizarribar, Andrea

150 C p.
7 Development and characterization of lung surfactant-coated polymer nanoparticles for pulmonary drug delivery Gonsalves, Andrea

150 C p.
8 DNA tension assays reveal that force-dependent integrin activation regulates neurite outgrowth in primary cortical neurons Chen, Ying-Chi

150 C p.
9 Editorial Board
150 C p.
10 Electrospun fibers with blank surface and inner drug gradient for improving sustained release Wang, Menglong

150 C p.
11 Engineering a material-genetic interface as safety switch for embedded therapeutic cells Jerez-Longres, Carolina

150 C p.
12 Gelatin methacrylate hydrogel with drug-loaded polymer microspheres as a new bioink for 3D bioprinting Mirek, Adam

150 C p.
13 Gellan gum-based hydrogels support the recreation of the dermal papilla microenvironment Abreu, Carla M.

150 C p.
14 Improved osteogenic activity of NiTi orthopedic implant by HAp-Nb2O5 composite coatings: Materials and biological points of view Safavi, Mir Saman

150 C p.
15 Long-term in vivo degradation of Mg–Zn–Ca elastic stable intramedullary nails and their influence on the physis of juvenile sheep Marek, R.

150 C p.
16 Microstructure enhanced biocompatibility in laser additively manufactured CoCrMo biomedical alloy Mazumder, Sangram

150 C p.
17 Multifunctional and biodegradable methacrylated gelatin/Aloe vera nanofibers for endodontic disinfection and immunomodulation Namazi, Sharon S.

150 C p.
18 Tumor immunosuppression relief via acidity modulation combined PD-L1 siRNA for enhanced immunotherapy Tang, Yan

150 C p.
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland