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                             33 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Abnormal preoperative platelet count may predict postoperative complications following shoulder arthroplasty Kim, Matthew

6 6 p. 935-941
2 Agreement between intraoperative and magnetic resonance imaging assessments of rotator cuff pathology and 2 magnetic resonance imaging-based assessments of supraspinatus muscle atrophy Ma, Jinjin

6 6 p. 948-956
3 A novel comorbidity risk score for predicting postoperative 30-day complications in total shoulder arthroplasty and elucidation of potential racial disparities Turk, Robby D.

6 6 p. 867-873
4 Are outcomes after fixation of distal humerus coronal shear fractures affected by surgical approach? A systematic review and meta-analysis Fisher, Kalin J.

6 6 p. 1054-1061
5 Arthroscopic Latarjet procedure does not lead to loss of clinically significant external rotation at 0° and 90° of shoulder abduction Bodine, Michael

6 6 p. 1023-1028
6 Can we predict the humerus stem component size required to achieve rotational stability in metaphyseal stability concept? Urvoy, Manuel

6 6 p. 917-922
7 Does pre-arthroplasty antiviral treatment for hepatitis C reduce complication rates after total shoulder arthroplasty? A matched cohort study Ross, Austin J.

6 6 p. 910-916
8 Effect of glenosphere lateralization with and without coracoacromial ligament transection on acromial and scapular spine strain in reverse shoulder arthroplasty Haislup, Brett D.

6 6 p. 884-888
9 Effects of preexisting depression and anxiety on postoperative outcomes following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair Johnson, Andrea H.

6 6 p. 984-988
10 Establishing safe zones to avoid nerve injury in the posterior minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis for humerus fractures: a magnetic resonance imaging study Contreras, Julio J.

6 6 p. 1015-1022
11 Health care disparities in surgical treatment of rotator cuff disease Salazar, Dane H.

6 6 p. 1011-1014
12 Impact of age on shoulder range of motion and strength Pike, J. Mattison

6 6 p. 1029-1033
13 Impact of prior anterior instability on shoulder arthroplasty outcomes: a systematic review Vopat, Matthew L.

6 6 p. 874-883
14 Magnetic resonance imaging for elbow pathology: overused by both orthopedic surgeons and primary care providers Coale, Max

6 6 p. 1062-1066
15 Mid- to long-term clinical outcomes after press-fit short stem reverse shoulder arthroplasty Nourissat, Geoffroy

6 6 p. 896-902
16 No difference in range of motion in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty using standard or constrained liners: a matched cohort study Goodloe, J. Brett

6 6 p. 929-934
17 Open elbow dislocation with no osseous injury associated with median nerve transection Alkandari, Bader

6 6 p. 1067-1071
18 Outcomes after arthroscopic scapulothoracic bursectomy for the treatment of symptomatic snapping scapula syndrome Gambhir, Neil

6 6 p. 1042-1047
19 Outcomes of arthroscopic tuberoplasty for symptomatic irreparable rotator cuff tendon tear without pseudoparalysis Pines, Yaniv

6 6 p. 1005-1010
20 Patient reported outcomes and ranges of motion after reverse total shoulder arthroplasty with and without subscapularis repair Oak, Sameer R.

6 6 p. 923-928
21 Patient-reported outcomes for arthroscopic resection of the distal clavicle with concomitant arthroscopic subacromial decompression at a 2-year follow-up: a prospective study of 131 consecutive patients Jensen, Mads M.

6 6 p. 999-1004
22 Physical functions, to be or not to be a risk factor for osteochondritis dissecans of the humeral capitellum? Sakata, Jun

6 6 p. 1072-1077
23 Rare case of intra-articular biceps incarceration following traumatic massive rotator cuff tear Baptista, Mário

6 6 p. 989-991
24 Rate and time to return to shooting following arthroscopic and open shoulder surgery Galvin, Joseph W.

6 6 p. 963-969
25 Recovery from open osteocapsular débridement for primary elbow osteoarthritis is rapid and does not depend on preoperative motion Ahmad, Farhan

6 6 p. 1048-1053
26 Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of a novel subscapularis outcome score: the Baltimore Orthopedic Subscapularis Score Hamaker, Max

6 6 p. 957-962
27 Risk factors for eccentric glenoid wear after humeral head replacement for cuff tear arthropathy Kawamata, Jun

6 6 p. 889-895
28 Rotator cuff repair in upper extremity ambulators: an assessment of longitudinal outcomes Valiquette, Andrew M.

6 6 p. 942-947
29 Sex differences in utilization and perioperative outcomes of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair Rudisill, Samuel S.

6 6 p. 992-998
30 Shoulder muscle activity after latissimus dorsi transfer in an active elevation Gurnani, Navin

6 6 p. 970-977
31 Shoulder surgeon techniques and preferences in treatment of massive rotator cuff tears: current practices for rotator cuff repair and superior capsule reconstruction Vaudreuil, Nicholas J.

6 6 p. 978-983
32 Travel distance does not affect outcomes after total shoulder arthroplasty Mehta, Nabil

6 6 p. 903-909
33 What is the patient acceptance when only scapulectomy is possible in case of malignant tumor? A case series Barret, Hugo

6 6 p. 1034-1041
                             33 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland