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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acute Pilates and plyometric exercise in school-based settings improve attention and mathematics performance in high school students Atakan, Muhammed M.

6 2 p. 185-192
2 Blood flow restriction training improves the efficacy of routine intervention in patients with chronic ankle instability Liu, Shen

6 2 p. 159-166
3 Clinical gait analysis in older children with autism spectrum disorder Wu, Xinye

6 2 p. 154-158
4 Consensus statement of Chinese experts on exercise prescription (2023) Li, Guoping

6 2 p. 200-203
5 Demystifying roles of exercise in immune response regulation against acute respiratory infections: A narrative review Agustiningsih, Denny

6 2 p. 139-153
6 Effect of self-modeling and self-controlled feedback on the performance of professional swimmers and waterpolo players Mirmoezzi, Masoud

6 2 p. 167-172
7 Effect of strength training on knee proprioception in patients with knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis Guede-Rojas, Francisco

6 2 p. 101-110
8 Electrocardiographic characteristics of pediatric and adolescent football players Doumparatzi, Maria

6 2 p. 179-184
9 Lower limb balance, ankle dorsiflexion, orofacial tissue pressure, and occlusal force of rugby players Machado, Rafael R.

6 2 p. 173-178
10 Potential neurophysiological and biomechanical risk factors for sport-related back problems: A scoping review Zemková, Erika

6 2 p. 123-138
11 Responsiveness of functional performance and muscle strength, power, and size to resistance training: A systematic review Moda, Tomé Edson dos Reis

6 2 p. 111-122
12 The missing hydrogen ion, Part-3: Science and the human flaws that compromise it Robergs, Robert

6 2 p. 193-199
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland