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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A machine learning approach for predicting human shortest path task performance Cai, Shijun

6 2 p. 50-61
2 Color and Shape efficiency for outlier detection from automated to user evaluation Giovannangeli, Loann

6 2 p. 25-40
3 MDISN: Learning multiscale deformed implicit fields from single images Wang, Yujie

6 2 p. 41-49
4 New guidance for using t-SNE: Alternative defaults, hyperparameter selection automation, and comparative evaluation Gove, Robert

6 2 p. 87-97
5 Time analysis of regional structure of large-scale particle using an interactive visual system Zhang, Yihan

6 2 p. 14-24
6 Trinary tools for continuously valued binary classifiers Gleicher, Michael

6 2 p. 74-86
7 VCNet: A generative model for volume completion Han, Jun

6 2 p. 62-73
8 VETA: Visual eye-tracking analytics for the exploration of gaze patterns and behaviours Goodwin, Sarah

6 2 p. 1-13
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland