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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A generalized ODE susceptible-infectious-susceptible compartmental model with potentially periodic behavior Greenhalgh, Scott

8 4 p. 1190-1202
2 An agent-based model with antibody dynamics information in COVID-19 epidemic simulation Xu, Zhaobin

8 4 p. 1151-1168
3 Analysis of the effect of PCR testing and antigen testing on controlling the transmission for Omicron based on different scenarios Song, Wentao

8 4 p. 939-946
4 Bayesian modeling of dynamic behavioral change during an epidemic Ward, Caitlin

8 4 p. 947-963
5 COVID-19 transmission driven by age-group mathematical model in Shijiazhuang City of China Wei, Fengying

8 4 p. 1050-1062
6 Estimating effective reproduction number revisited Koyama, Shinsuke

8 4 p. 1063-1078
7 Estimating the instantaneous reproduction number ( R t ) by using particle filter Won, Yong Sul

8 4 p. 1002-1014
8 Evaluation of vaccine rollout strategies for emerging infectious diseases: A model-based approach including protection attitudes Patón, Mauricio

8 4 p. 1032-1049
9 High-dimensional supervised classification in a context of non-independence of observations to identify the determining SNPs in a phenotype Gaye, Aboubacry

8 4 p. 1079-1087
10 Hypothesis testing of Poisson rates in COVID-19 offspring distributions Luo, Rui

8 4 p. 980-1001
11 Impact of human mobility on the epidemic spread during holidays Li, Han

8 4 p. 1108-1116
12 Improving estimates of waning immunity rates in stochastic SIRS models with a hierarchical framework Alahakoon, Punya

8 4 p. 1127-1137
13 Mathematical analysis of pulse vaccination in controlling the dynamics of measles transmission Kanchanarat, Siwaphorn

8 4 p. 964-979
14 Mathematical modeling of malaria transmission dynamics in humans with mobility and control states Adegbite, Gbenga

8 4 p. 1015-1031
15 Modeling the impact of changing sexual behaviors with opposite-sex partners and STI testing among women and men ages 15–44 on STI diagnosis rates in the United States 2012–2019 Hamilton, Deven T.

8 4 p. 1169-1176
16 Modeling vaccination strategies with limited early COVID-19 vaccine access in low- and middle-income countries: A case study of Thailand Anupong, Suparinthon

8 4 p. 1177-1189
17 Multidimensional dynamic prediction model for hospitalized patients with the omicron variant in China Chen, Yujie

8 4 p. 1097-1107
18 The impact of EV71 vaccination program on hand, foot and mouth disease in Zhejiang Province, China: A negative control study Zheng, Dashan

8 4 p. 1088-1096
19 The spatiotemporal analysis of the population migration network in China, 2021 Li, Wenjie

8 4 p. 1117-1126
20 Wastewater surveillance provides 10-days forecasting of COVID-19 hospitalizations superior to cases and test positivity: A prediction study Hill, Dustin T.

8 4 p. 1138-1150
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland