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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An analysis of the state of impact assessment research for low carbon power production: Building a better understanding of information and knowledge gaps Hanna, Kevin

50 C p. 116-128
2 A wedge or a weight? Critically examining nuclear power’s viability as a low carbon energy source from an intergenerational perspective Barron, Robert W.

50 C p. 7-17
3 Coalitions, framing, and the politics of energy transitions: Local democracy and community choice in California Hess, David J.

50 C p. 38-50
4 Community solar energy initiatives in urban energy transitions: A comparative study of Foshan, China and Seoul, South Korea Mah, Daphne Ngar-yin

50 C p. 129-142
5 Designing for the future? Integrating energy efficiency and universal design in Belgian passive houses Kapedani, Ermal

50 C p. 215-223
6 Diffusion on the ground: Rethinking the logic of scale and access in off-grid solar in Sri Lanka Turner, Britta

50 C p. 1-6
7 Editorial Board
50 C p. ii
8 Energy consumption boomtowns in the United States: Community responses to a cryptocurrency boom Greenberg, Pierce

50 C p. 162-167
9 Energy next door: a meta-analysis of energy infrastructure impact on housing value Brinkley, Catherine

50 C p. 51-65
10 Envisioning surprises: How social sciences could help models represent ‘deep uncertainty’ in future energy and water demand Sharmina, Maria

50 C p. 18-28
11 Fossil fuel divestment and climate change: Reviewing contested arguments Braungardt, Sibylle

50 C p. 191-200
12 From goals to joules: A quantitative approach of interlinkages between energy and the Sustainable Development Goals Santika, Wayan G.

50 C p. 201-214
13 From Kyoto to Paris: Measuring renewable energy policy regimes in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and the United States Pischke, Erin C.

50 C p. 82-91
14 Linking scientific knowledge and technological change: Lessons from wind turbine evolution and innovation Subtil Lacerda, Juliana

50 C p. 92-105
15 National energy transition, local partisanship? Elite cues, community identity, and support for clean power in the United States Mayer, Adam

50 C p. 143-150
16 Oily politics: A critical assessment of the oil and gas industry’s contribution to climate change Grasso, Marco

50 C p. 106-115
17 Paris is not enough: Toward an Information Technology (IT) enabled transnational climate policy Spreng, Connor P.

50 C p. 66-72
18 Powershifts: A framework for assessing the growing impact of decentralized ownership of energy transitions on political decision-making Brisbois, Marie Claire

50 C p. 151-161
19 Promoting sustainable energy: Does institutional entrepreneurship help? Heiskanen, Eva

50 C p. 179-190
20 Putting electric vehicles on the map: A policy agenda for residential charging infrastructure in Canada Lopez-Behar, Diana

50 C p. 29-37
21 Robotic vacuum cleaners save energy? Raising cleanliness conventions and energy demand in Australian households with smart home technologies Nicholls, Larissa

50 C p. 73-81
22 Stability and climate policy? Harnessing insights on path dependence, policy feedback, and transition pathways Rosenbloom, Daniel

50 C p. 168-178
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland