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                             37 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Ambivalence, naturalness and normality in public perceptions of carbon capture and storage in biomass, fossil energy, and industrial applications in the United Kingdom Thomas, Gareth

46 C p. 1-9
2 A socio-technical analysis of consumer preferences about energy systems applying a simulation-based approach: A case study of the Tokyo area Nakai, Miwa

46 C p. 52-63
3 Assessing qualitative and quantitative dimensions of uncertainty in energy modelling for policy support in the United Kingdom Pye, Steve

46 C p. 332-344
4 Behavioural economics vs social practice theory: Perspectives from inside the United Kingdom government Hampton, Sam

46 C p. 214-224
5 Chipping away at democracy: Legislative slippage in Alberta’s energy development zone Davidson, Debra J.

46 C p. 303-310
6 Corrigendum to “Relative deployment rates of renewable and nuclear power: A cautionary tale of two metrics” [Energy Res. Soc. Sci. 38 (2018) 188–192] Lovins, Amory B.

46 C p. 381-383
7 Diffusion of solar photovoltaic systems and electric vehicles among Dutch consumers: Implications for the energy transition van der Kam, M.J.

46 C p. 68-85
8 Disruptive innovations and decentralized renewable energy systems in Africa: A socio-technical review Amuzu-Sefordzi, Basil

46 C p. 140-154
9 Does (Co-)ownership in renewables matter for an electricity consumer’s demand flexibility? Empirical evidence from Germany Roth, Lucas

46 C p. 169-182
10 Does positive framing matter? An investigation of how framing affects consumers’ willingness to buy green electricity in Denmark Yang, Yingkui

46 C p. 40-47
11 Editorial Board
46 C p. ii
12 Electrons have no identity: Setting right misrepresentations in Google and Apple’s clean energy purchasing Monyei, Chukwuka G.

46 C p. 48-51
13 Energy policy and transdisciplinary transition management arenas in illiberal democracies: A conceptual framework Noboa, Eduardo

46 C p. 114-124
14 Exploring peer-to-peer returns in off-grid renewable energy systems in rural India: An anthropological perspective on local energy sharing and trading Singh, Abhigyan

46 C p. 194-213
15 Facilitating universal energy access for developing countries with micro-hydropower: Insights from Nepal, Bolivia, Cambodia and the Philippines Arnaiz, M.

46 C p. 356-367
16 Follow the price signal: People’s willingness to shift household practices in a dynamic time-of-use tariff trial in the United Kingdom Ozaki, Ritsuko

46 C p. 10-18
17 Going native? Examining nativity and public opinion of environment, alternative energy, and science policy expenditures in the United States Simon, Christopher A.

46 C p. 296-302
18 Hot off the press! A comparative media analysis of energy storage framing in Canadian newspapers Ganowski, S.

46 C p. 155-168
19 Informing a social practice theory framework with social-psychological factors for analyzing routinized energy consumption: A multivariate analysis of three practices Hess, Ann-Kathrin

46 C p. 183-193
20 Korean traditional beliefs and renewable energy transitions: Pungsu, shamanism, and the local perception of wind turbines Kim, Eun-Sung

46 C p. 262-273
21 Low-carbon transition via system reconfiguration? A socio-technical whole system analysis of passenger mobility in Great Britain (1990–2016) Geels, Frank W.

46 C p. 86-102
22 Moving beyond theories of neighborly emulation: Energy policy information channels are plentiful among American states Carley, Sanya

46 C p. 245-251
23 [No title] Boucher, Martin

46 C p. 284-286
24 Orchestrating households as collectives of participation in the distributed energy transition: New empirical and conceptual insights Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe

46 C p. 252-261
25 Politics, values, and morals: Assessing consumer responses to the framing of residential renewable energy in the United States Arpan, Laura M.

46 C p. 321-331
26 Resistance in rejecting solid fuels: Beyond availability and adoption in the structural dominations of cooking practices in rural India Malakar, Yuwan

46 C p. 225-235
27 Social acceptance revisited: gaps, questionable trends, and an auspicious perspective Wolsink, Maarten

46 C p. 287-295
28 Social mobilization on climate change and energy: An evaluation of research projects in British Columbia, Canada Westerhoff, Lisa

46 C p. 368-380
29 Social ties, homophily and heterophily in urban sustainability transitions: User practices and solar water heater diffusion in China Yu, Zhen

46 C p. 236-244
30 ‘Sticky’ energy practices: The impact of childhood and early adulthood experience on later energy consumption practices Hansen, Anders Rhiger

46 C p. 125-139
31 Symbolism, signs, and accounts of electric vehicles in California Kurani, Kenneth S.

46 C p. 345-355
32 The demographics of nuclear power: Comparing nuclear experts’, scientists’ and non-science professionals’ views of risks, benefits and values Harris, Jill

46 C p. 29-39
33 The politics of energy scenarios: Are International Energy Agency and other conservative projections hampering the renewable energy transition? Carrington, Gerry

46 C p. 103-113
34 The psychology of rebound effects: Explaining energy efficiency rebound behaviours with electric vehicles and building insulation in Austria Seebauer, Sebastian

46 C p. 311-320
35 Understanding the path to smart home adoption: Segmenting and describing consumers across the innovation-decision process Sanguinetti, Angela

46 C p. 274-283
36 Vouchers can create a thriving market for distributed power generation in developing countries Urpelainen, Johannes

46 C p. 64-67
37 What is energy democracy? Connecting social science energy research and political theory van Veelen, Bregje

46 C p. 19-28
                             37 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland