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                             27 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A BRD4 PROTAC nanodrug for glioma therapy via the intervention of tumor cells proliferation, apoptosis and M2 macrophages polarization Yang, Tingting

12 6 p. 2658-2671
2 A hybrid bacterium with tumor-associated macrophage polarization for enhanced photothermal-immunotherapy Zhao, Jingya

12 6 p. 2683-2694
3 A mitochondria-targeting lipid–small molecule hybrid nanoparticle for imaging and therapy in an orthotopic glioma model Tang, Menghuan

12 6 p. 2672-2682
4 Author correction to “A nanocleaner specifically penetrates the blood‒brain barrier at lesions to clean toxic proteins and regulate inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease” [Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 12, (2021) 4032–4044] Lei, Ting

12 6 p. 2965-2967
5 Author correction to “Development of small-molecule tropomyosin receptor kinase (TRK) inhibitors for NTRK fusion cancers” [Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 11 (2021) 355–372] Jiang, Tingting

12 6 p. 2963-2964
6 Bispecific prodrug nanoparticles circumventing multiple immune resistance mechanisms for promoting cancer immunotherapy Ye, Jiayi

12 6 p. 2695-2709
7 Chemotherapeutic nanomaterials in tumor boundary delineation: Prospects for effective tumor treatment Akakuru, Ozioma Udochukwu

12 6 p. 2640-2657
8 Cover Story
12 6 p. x
9 Cytochrome P450s in algae: Bioactive natural product biosynthesis and light-driven bioproduction Zheng, Shanmin

12 6 p. 2832-2844
10 Development and clinical advancement of small molecules for ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cell Li, Jiaxing

12 6 p. 2808-2831
11 Editor Profiles: Guest Editors of Special Column on A New Era of Nanobiomaterial-based Drug Delivery
12 6 p. 2623
12 Enzyme-instructed and mitochondria-targeting peptide self-assembly to efficiently induce immunogenic cell death Zheng, Debin

12 6 p. 2740-2750
13 Gentiopicroside targets PAQR3 to activate the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway and ameliorate disordered glucose and lipid metabolism Xiao, Haiming

12 6 p. 2887-2904
14 Liposome-based multifunctional nanoplatform as effective therapeutics for the treatment of retinoblastoma Liu, Ying

12 6 p. 2731-2739
15 Mechanistic analysis for the origin of diverse diterpenes in Tripterygium wilfordii Tu, Lichan

12 6 p. 2923-2933
16 Mitochondria targeting drugs for neurodegenerative diseases—Design, mechanism and application Xu, Jiajia

12 6 p. 2778-2789
17 NAMPT-targeting PROTAC promotes antitumor immunity via suppressing myeloid-derived suppressor cell expansion Wu, Ying

12 6 p. 2859-2868
18 Nanoparticles with rough surface improve the therapeutic effect of photothermal immunotherapy against melanoma Xue, Jiao

12 6 p. 2934-2949
19 Nuciferine protects against high-fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance via activating TFEB-mediated autophagy–lysosomal pathway Du, Xiliang

12 6 p. 2869-2886
20 Prediction of lipid nanoparticles for mRNA vaccines by the machine learning algorithm Wang, Wei

12 6 p. 2950-2962
21 Recent advances in the translation of drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics science for drug discovery and development Lai, Yurong

12 6 p. 2751-2777
22 Recent development on COX-2 inhibitors as promising anti-inflammatory agents: The past 10 years Ju, Zhiran

12 6 p. 2790-2807
23 Synthesis of selective PAK4 inhibitors for lung metastasis of lung cancer and melanoma cells Song, Peilu

12 6 p. 2905-2922
24 Table of Contents
12 6 p. iii-x
25 Tailoring combinatorial lipid nanoparticles for intracellular delivery of nucleic acids, proteins, and drugs Li, Yamin

12 6 p. 2624-2639
26 Tumor-targeted/reduction-triggered composite multifunctional nanoparticles for breast cancer chemo-photothermal combinational therapy Yang, Yun

12 6 p. 2710-2730
27 YPD-30, a prodrug of YPD-29B, is an oral small-molecule inhibitor targeting PD-L1 for the treatment of human cancer Lai, Fangfang

12 6 p. 2845-2858
                             27 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland