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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Absorption effect of pure nickel on the corrosion behaviors of the GH3535 alloy in tellurium vapor Wang, Kai

32 12 artikel
2 Design and development of the beamline for a proton therapy system Qin, Bin

32 12 artikel
3 Ensuring the possibility of using thorium as a fuel in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) Mohsen, Mohamed Y. M.

32 12 artikel
4 Fabrication of stable MWCNT bucky paper for solar-driven interfacial evaporation by coupling γ-ray irradiation with borate crosslinking Qiao, Yu-Qing

32 12 artikel
5 Fast nuclide identification based on a sequential Bayesian method Li, Xiao-Zhe

32 12 artikel
6 Interdiffusion behavior between Cr and Zr and its effect on the microcracking behavior in the Cr-coated Zr-4 alloy Jiang, Ji-Shen

32 12 artikel
7 Performance evaluation of ultra-long lithium heat pipe using an improved lumped parameter model Hu, Chong-Ju

32 12 artikel
8 Screener3D: a gaseous time projection chamber for ultra-low radioactive material screening Du, Hai-Yan

32 12 artikel
9 Using a pre-kicker to ensure safe extractions from the HEPS storage ring Duan, Zhe

32 12 artikel
10 Verification of SEU resistance in 65 nm high-performance SRAM with dual DICE interleaving and EDAC mitigation strategies He, Ze

32 12 artikel
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland