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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A knowledge-based approach for representing jobholder profile toward optimal human–machine collaboration in cyber physical production systems Ansari, Fazel

28 C p. 87-106
2 An optimization of part distortion for a structural aircraft wing rib: an industrial workflow approach Barcenas, Leonardo

28 C p. 15-23
3 Camera 3D positioning mixed reality-based interface to improve worker safety, ergonomics and productivity Muñoz, Adolfo

28 C p. 24-37
4 Chatter stability of synchronized elliptical vibration assisted milling Gao, Jian

28 C p. 76-86
5 Classification coding of production systems for identification of platform candidates Sorensen, Daniel G.H.

28 C p. 144-156
6 Editorial Board
28 C p. ii
7 Effect of reheating zones in additive manufacturing by means of electron beam metal wire deposition method Gaponova, Daria A.

28 C p. 68-75
8 Finite element simulation of orthogonal machining of biomedical grade Co–Cr–Mo alloy Trimble, D.

28 C p. 8-14
9 Millisecond pulse laser machining of thermal barrier coatings Marimuthu, Sundar

28 C p. 107-117
10 Novel continuous generating grinding process for the production of cutting tools Denkena, Berend

28 C p. 1-7
11 On transfer learning for chatter detection in turning using wavelet packet transform and ensemble empirical mode decomposition Yesilli, Melih C.

28 C p. 118-135
12 Simulation-based compensation of deflection errors in helical flute grinding Dittrich, Marc-André

28 C p. 136-143
13 Synergistic approaches to ultra-precision high performance cutting Schönemann, Lars

28 C p. 38-51
14 Thermo-mechanical modeling of thermal stress in metal additive manufacturing considering elastoplastic hardening Mirkoohi, Elham

28 C p. 52-67
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland