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                             46 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adults with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy living in a low-to-middle income country: A six-year follow-up study on pain, functional mobility, activity and participation du Toit, Jacques

14 4 p.
2 A systematic scoping study exploring opioid use across a variety of disability conditions Goss, Katherine D.

14 4 p.
3 Author Information
14 4 p.
4 Beyond question wording: How survey design and administration shape estimates of disability Jackson, Heide

14 4 p.
5 BMI, weight change, and incidence of disability among Korean adults: A nationwide retrospective cohort study Choi, Jae Woo

14 4 p.
6 Breastfeeding positions and techniques used by Canadians with physical disabilities Warkentin, T.

14 4 p.
7 Calcium, fiber, iron, and sodium intake in adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities and overweight and obesity Hastert, Mary

14 4 p.
8 Changes in life experiences of adults with intellectual disabilities in the COVID-19 pandemics in South Korea Kim, Min Ah

14 4 p.
9 Changes in physical activity and basic psychological needs related to mental health among people with physical disability during the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway Bentzen, Marte

14 4 p.
10 Child maltreatment investigations and substantiations in child protection services: Factors distinguishing children with intellectual disabilities De La Sablonnière-Griffin, Mireille

14 4 p.
11 Contribution of travel participation to social integration and life satisfaction after spinal cord injury Zhao, HaoAi

14 4 p.
12 COVID-19 and people with disability: Social and economic impacts Turk, Margaret A.

14 4 p.
13 COVID-19 case-fatality disparities among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Evidence from 12 US jurisdictions Landes, Scott D.

14 4 p.
14 Cross-ministry data on service use and limitations faced by children in special education Russell, Matthew Joseph

14 4 p.
15 Disability and loneliness in nine countries of the former Soviet Union Stickley, Andrew

14 4 p.
16 Disability-competence training influences health care providers’ conceptualizations of disability: An evaluation study Phillips, Kimberly G.

14 4 p.
17 Disparities in prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survival among men with disabilities: Retrospective cohort study in South Korea Shin, Dong Wook

14 4 p.
18 Do physical activity and social cognitive theory variable scores differ across symptom cluster severity groups in multiple sclerosis? Silveira, Stephanie L.

14 4 p.
19 Early indicators of cardiovascular disease are evident in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy Hammam, Nevin

14 4 p.
20 Editorial Board
14 4 p.
21 Effects of exercise interventions on frailty in pre-maturely aging adults with intellectual disabilities- a preliminary study Lin, Shu-Yuan

14 4 p.
22 Facilitators for coping with the COVID-19 pandemic: Online qualitative interviews comparing youth with and without disabilities Lindsay, Sally

14 4 p.
23 Food insecurity of people with disabilities who were Medicare beneficiaries during the COVID-19 pandemic Friedman, Carli

14 4 p.
24 Food sufficiency and the utilization of free food resources for working-age Americans with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic Brucker, Debra L.

14 4 p.
25 Health-related quality of life and neuropathic pain in sickle cell disease in Jamaica Bartlett, Rachel

14 4 p.
26 24-h movement behaviors among autistic adults: Differences by sex, age, and level of independence Healy, Sean

14 4 p.
27 Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on health, financial worries, and perceived organizational support among people living with disabilities in Canada Gignac, Monique A.M.

14 4 p.
28 Implicit associations related to physical disability among nursing students Lum, Jeremiah

14 4 p.
29 Incidence, risk, and associated risk factors of stroke among people with different disability types and severities: A national population-based cohort study in Taiwan Inchai, Puchong

14 4 p.
30 Indicators of poor mental health and stressors during the COVID-19 pandemic, by disability status: A cross-sectional analysis Okoro, Catherine A.

14 4 p.
31 It's time to reconsider how we define health: Perspective from disability and chronic condition Krahn, Gloria L.

14 4 p.
32 Medically graded reduced capacity to work (RCW) following significant injury as explained by patient related outcome measures (PROMs): A prospective trauma center evaluation Gross, Thomas

14 4 p.
33 Mobility challenges and perceptions of autonomous vehicles for individuals with physical disabilities Cordts, Paige

14 4 p.
34 Musculoskeletal diagnoses, comorbidities, and physical and occupational therapy use among older adults with and without cerebral palsy Thorpe, Deborah

14 4 p.
35 [No title] Krahn, Gloria L.

14 4 p.
36 Physical activity and self-reported sleep quality in adults with multiple sclerosis Cederberg, Katie L.J.

14 4 p.
37 POWERSforID: Personalized online weight and exercise response system for individuals with intellectual disability: A randomized controlled trial Neumeier, William H.

14 4 p.
38 Risk of COVID-19 and major adverse clinical outcomes among people with disabilities in South Korea Choi, Jae Woo

14 4 p.
39 Scanning and synthesizing Canadian policies that address the school-to-work transition of youth and young adults with disabilities Perri, Melissa

14 4 p.
40 Self-labeling, perceived stigma toward autism spectrum disorder, and self-esteem and the change in autism nosology Soffer, Michal

14 4 p.
41 Sociodemographic characteristics associated with physical activity barrier perception among manual wheelchair users Hansen, Rasmus K.

14 4 p.
42 Table of Contents
14 4 p.
43 The COVID-19 pandemic and quality of life outcomes of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities Friedman, Carli

14 4 p.
44 Untangling the relationship between early adversity, placement breakdowns, and obesity in a secure adolescent developmental disorder service: A cross-sectional study Webb, Elanor Lucy

14 4 p.
45 Using an ecological approach to grasp the complexity of social inclusion around a person with a disability Meys, Evy

14 4 p.
46 Virtual health care for adult patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A scoping review Selick, Avra

14 4 p.
                             46 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland